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Add more than one custom persona template to a workspace

We have both detailed personas and summary personas that we like to use for different situations - presentations, talking with devs etc. Being able to use multiple in the same workspace would be great.
Guest over 4 years ago in Strategy 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to assign multiple custom roles

It is currently only possible to assign a single custom role to a user. As an admin, I often define multiple distinct custom roles with very specific permissions. For example, a custom role to administer capacity planning and another custom role t...
Mark Eaves over 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Allow product owners to add free users to products

As a product owner (who is not a paid seat group owner), I would like the ability to add free users to my products so I can control who has access to my products.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Allow product owners to remove users from their products

As a product owner user, I would like to be able to remove users from products that I own so I can control who has access to my products.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Internal users should be able to 'Follow' Organizations they are interested in

As an Internal Aha Dashboards user, I should be able to ‘Follow’ the Organizations that I am interested in. When I follow an Organization, I should be automatically added as a Watcher for any objects (Ideas, Features) that are created by or tagged...
David Barber over 1 year ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Dependency pop-out on shared webpages

In JATO we have a huge requirement for viewers in particular board members to be able to view the dependencies across the teams but at present there is no way for a viewer to see these directly on the webpage road map view. It would be great it we...
jenny patel over 1 year ago in Dependencies / Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Access Rights

upon testing reviewer access i noticed that whilst there are certain fields that are locked the reviewer is still able to access the edit and configure options on the roadmap resulting in risk to changing something on the PMs roadmap. It may be wo...
jenny patel over 1 year ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Add ability to search by Aha! reference number

We currently have to search by idea and feature titles, which is very cumbersome. If we already know the reference number, we should be able to search for that as well. This will reduce the amount of time it takes to find items in the system
Guest over 8 years ago in Search 6 Already exists

Pivot Tables Sort A to Z or Z to A for Calculated Columns in Cells

As a user, I want to sort calculated columns in cells within pivot tables
Amelia Peklar over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Unable to adjust vertial or horizontal text box on Whiteboard

I want to adjust the vertical or horizontal size without increasing the other or increasing the text size. I do not get an up, down, left or right arrow to do so only a diagonal arrow which increases the size of the box in both plus the size of th...
Daniel Lynch over 1 year ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration