Workflow Boards - Update view of 'group by' assignee to show only users with assigned cards
What is the challenge? During standup, we share screen with the workflow board and always group by the assignee so it's easy to move from engineer to engineer while giving status updates. There are a lot of people who have access to our board for ...
What is the challenge? Our team would like a good idea of how long it takes us to complete types of work, however we do not want to fully dive into capacity planning. What is the impact? Using the timer is helpful, however the capacity planning el...
about 2 months ago
in Extensions
Future consideration
What is the challenge? You cannot filter a workflow board in Aha! Develop via a records delivery risk. What is the impact? It would be helpful to only display records that are at risk (i.e. because the record has no estimate or assignee) so that t...
Chris Quigley
about 1 month ago
in Development
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I the Product Manager manually do sprint changeover each time we start a sprint. My team is distributed geographically, so by the time I start the sprint, part of my team has started their day. Because I manually do this, I ...
16 days ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
Add AI to the develop side in order to analyze backlogs, sprints, features etc.
What is the challenge? Would like to use AI to help find inconsistencies with backlog items, or analyze the efficiencies/inefficiencies of sprints What is the impact? AI has been added in several places in Aha! but not over in Develop. Describe yo...
Jennifer Lange
about 1 month ago
in Development
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When running an effective Kanban system it's important to know where the bottlenecks in the process are. What is the impact? Currently I have to export the data to a spreadsheet to work out the problem stages. Describe your ...
What is the challenge? Currently, you cannot filter records within Aha! Develop screens, like the parking lot by the feature location field (backlog management, sprint, workflow board etc.) What is the impact? This would allow teams to filter the ...
Chris Quigley
about 2 months ago
in Development
Future consideration
Releases available in develope - not just parking lots
What is the challenge? We have "developer users" planning their work and sprints in the form of releases. However when their releases are marked as done - there is no pushing incomplete features to the next release. (this is because it's a parking...
about 1 month ago
in Sprints
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Inability to create Releases in develop What is the impact? some teams need to create releases not parking lots within develop Describe your idea We want the ability to also create releases in develop and not just parking lots.
about 1 month ago
in Test management
Future consideration
It will show sprints as a roadmap and will be able to give agile team more clarity.
This will benefit Agile / Scrum Teams.
A sprints view roadmap added to both Features and Release sections or once can select between timeline/calendar view or spri...
almost 9 years ago
in Agile reports
Likely to implement