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Links to a Specific Heading on a Different Page Not Always Working

What is the challenge? A given link on page A is supposed to take the user to a specific heading on page B. Clicking the link displays page B but not to the heading. What is the impact? Users are not taken to the correct information when clicking ...
David Yelenchic 3 days ago in Knowledge base 0

Create "Clear Font Size" Option (similar to Clear Stylings)

What is the challenge? We sometimes need to correct the font size. The Clear Styling Option does that, but it also clears any other stylings, such as bold and italics. We then have to reapply those stylings. What is the impact? Excessive time corr...
David Yelenchic 3 days ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

[Document templates for epics, initiatiaves, features, ...]: Need a better workflow to assign document templates

What is the challenge? Epic templates (i.e. for the description) are currently managed under 'workflows'. Currently, there is no way to create a template for this, and use it in multiple workflows. Our current workaround is to create a document te...
Tobias H 23 minutes ago in Epic 0

Add idea number to list view

What is the challenge? unable to have a glance of the idea number on the list view What is the impact? easier to refer to idea instead of reading the idea topic one by one Describe your idea to include the idea number to list view, next to the ide...
Guest about 9 hours ago in Ideas portal 0

Add risk filter to Aha! Develop boards

What is the challenge? You cannot filter a workflow board in Aha! Develop via a records delivery risk. What is the impact? It would be helpful to only display records that are at risk (i.e. because the record has no estimate or assignee) so that t...
Chris Quigley 2 days ago in Development 0

Make a smashing sound when I delete a feature

What is the challenge? I need closure when I delete features What is the impact? I will feel satisfied and experience catharsis Describe your idea When I delete an idea, I want to hear the sound of smashing plates, breaking glass, or a minor explo...
Guest 19 days ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Broadcast Carousel

What is the challenge? Unable to have multiple broadcasts that can be rotated through on a timed carousel set up What is the impact? Would allow multiple broadcasts to loop through on the display showing each for a brief time so the user could see...
Carolee Snarr 5 days ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Add Workspace to Recycle Bin List

What is the challenge? Add Workspace to Recycle Bin list What is the impact? Understanding from which Workspace the records were deleted. Describe your idea I would like to be able to see the Workspace a record sat on when it was deleted. We have ...
Leanne Miller 4 days ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Add Rally "Project" field to integration reports

What is the challenge? What Project Name is an integration connecting to for Rally Integrations What is the impact? Cannot create a list report showing what Project Name is an integration connecting to in Rally Describe your idea Add the 'Project'...
Mike Jacobson 4 months ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Add bulk export options to Aha Knowledge

What is the challenge? Aha! Knowledge has limited export options (esp bulk exports), making it difficult to back up or repurpose content. What is the impact? Lack of export functionality limits backups and content sharing options. Describe your id...
Jeremy Bruno 18 days ago in Knowledge base 2 Future consideration