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Categories Ideas
Created by Mike Jacobson
Created on Dec 12, 2024

Display the timeframe of an initiative in a record lookup field to discern between initiatives that have the same name but different timeframes

What is the challenge?

Initiatives can have the same name but different timeframes

What is the impact?

In a idea, when you select an initiative using a initiative lookup field, the lookup list to select from shows the same name twice when there are two initiatives that have the same name but different timeframes

Describe your idea

Append the initiative timeframe in to the lookup list that is presented to the users to select the correct initiative

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  • Tracy T
    Dec 12, 2024

    Having the ability to filter by workspace and timeframe will enable us to hone in on the correct initiative when relating work. Today the list is way too big, and when there are like initiatives it causes data quality issues. In addition, if initiatives are done and not in current year, we should not be able to relate records to them.