Sub-groups allow items on a Gantt Chart to be nested within other items. For example, you could have an item named 'Demo Prototype' within which you would list each individual demo, 'Sales Demo', 'Marketing Demo', Support Demo', etc.
Currently this functionality is only partially supported through the 'Add to Release Phase' drop-down when adding existing Features to a Release.
The limitation we run into is that, in Aha, only defined Features can be nested within other items.
This is also available through the Releases roadmap page, where you can add new features to a specific release or release phase.
On the Releases roadmap page, when scrolling on the Gantt chart, you will see hyperlinks appear to "Add new feature." this can allow you to nest new items into the release phases on your roadmap.
The solution you propose is to have a Feature under a Phase or a Release and that is not your customer's request (we). The need is to have the ability to have sub-phases (child line phases) to better organize the gantt and to have different views (collapsed or expanded) for different audiences in the Gantt chart.
the proposed solutions for the gantt in particular are not viable. Every gantt software available has the ability to nest.
for example, I have a release cycle, with interim releases, epics with related features. Nesting these would help
Release> Interim Release > Epic > Feature
with every level visible on the gantt. What is compelling to me is that the gantt picks up dates, status, %complete from Jira into the gantt, so I do not have to type. What is a blocker is the inability to nest further on the gantt.
Hi Daniel, I believe this idea may be a better match for what you are looking for. Note that since these ideas were created, we have also added the ability to displaying epics and group features by epic on the Gantt.
This is a sub-adequate solution. We need the ability to nest phases within phases.
Admin response is not a real solution. Please allow users to have Phases contain sub-phases (different than dependencies)