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Allow Gantt chart to nest Epics and Features underneath your release bars

When viewing a Gantt chart, I find it useful to have all of my various epics and their associated features nested underneath each release bar they are associated with. This goes from the highest level down to the most granular: Release > Epic > Feature.

Currently, on the release view of the Gantt chart, when I open a release to see what's inside, I can only see the Features contained therein. It would be ideal if instead I could see the Epics, then open the Epics to see all the associated Features. That way everything is viewable from one chart, with beginning and end dates, all displayed visually and linked together with dependencies.

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    • Guest
      Jan 24, 2024

      Love it! Is this available for Fredwin Demo?

      1 reply
    • David Bowen
      Jan 31, 2023

      Agree, we have a lot of context switching having to switch between views to see where we're at across planned releases.

    • Edgar Holguin
      Mar 11, 2022

      A native Gantt view of Release > Epic > Feature would be greatly appreciate by our leadership team for every revision we have. Hopefully it can be approved and included in Aha!

    • Guest
      Jan 7, 2022

      I completely agree as well. This would be so useful.

    • Lars Morten Nygaard
      Aug 31, 2021

      I completely agree on this view, in fact this is a key missing feature for us when rolling out Aha!.

      This should not be a main change to the product, and I really hope this idea makes into the backlog soon.

    • +1
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    Guest over 2 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Shipped
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