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Created by Oliver Kawwass
Created on Mar 9, 2016

Filter features displayed on the Gantt chart

Depending on the audience, we'd like to be able to filter to display different subsets of the features in a release on the release roadmap view.  Currently, the filters only apply to entire releases and not the features contained within a release.  For example, when meeting with the leadership team, we may only want to display features identified as critical to success, rather than the complete list. While it is possible to build a timeline report, the result is not as clean or interactive as using the Gantt chart in the Release Roadmap.

    Mar 26, 2024

    New filters for Gantt charts

    Keep what is important and filter out the rest — use new filters for features, epics, and release phases to make it easier to tailor views for different audiences.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Nov 30, 2023

    Hi, another use case - where a quarter's planning has to adjust heavily to new circumstances, and many features get marked "Will not do", they all show up in the Gantt view as 0% complete, which makes at-a-glance clarity impossible -and causes additional stakeholder confusion beyond the initial strategic pivot.

  • Admin
    Chrissi McNamara
    Jun 22, 2022

    Hi Frank, I'm sorry to hear about your reports. The limit has since been increased to 5,000 records on the Gantt chart. Can you try viewing your Gantt chart again and confirm that you are seeing the records you expect to see?

  • Frank Fuchs
    Jun 21, 2022

    This may have been a nice to have in the past but it's mandatory now.

    On June 3rd you restricted the Gannt charts to 250 elements for performance reasons. RELEASE NOTE

    As a result you broke all my reports.

    What is worse, you did not limit it to parent records first, but the first parent and the children. So I don't see all the releases in the selection if there are more then 250 features in the first releases.

    Features are not available in the filter list. If they were, this would be a simple fix. A false condition for most features would still yield a list of all releases that qualify in the search.

    I get why you limited Gantt chart search, but the implementation was not pretty and the effects could have been imagined.

    This request for Feature level filters would support the new limit and not break all the reports currently in place.

  • Frank Fuchs
    Jun 10, 2022

    I am going to vote for this because I would to filter by feature attribute, like type or status. But I am not using this for selecting this feature over that. That can be done on the roadmap view. But as you look at Larger Gantts including more releases and feature, you can hit the 250 limits pretty fast. Having a filter to trim type or status would be useful as I assess the progress of the portfolio.

  • Steve Podzamsky
    Nov 9, 2021

    This really is a must have. It is very frustrating to not be able to filter features to a single team within a release view, or a specific feature set. I do not understand the ADMINs response to this request, you are pressing your views against people that are actively using your tool and would find it very valuable to be able to filter out features from a gantt view, and do not find the roadmap view as effective.

  • Kristina Ursin
    Jun 2, 2021

    In order to streamline our teams' ability to enter and track work into Aha! we have re-aligned fields between the epic and feature/activity record types as opposed to having duplicate fields in multiple record types (in order to support team-level reports, etc.). We made this decision based on the ability to filter by fields in other record types in all other views. We have since learned that this is not possible in the Gantt view, which limits how our teams are able to interact with the tool. Gantt is important because the updates are live unlike in Roadmap or other reports.

    We recommend adding the same filtering functionality to the Gantt view that exists in every other view for consistency and functionality. See attached screenshots for how different the filter options are between the Gantt and other views.

  • Steve Podzamsky
    Jan 29, 2021

    The admin response does not make any sense.

    If I want to see a clear view of in-flight work, without looking at completed features, I should be able to do that. No matter the view ot report style, you should be able to filter based on any level of detail.

  • Guest
    Aug 7, 2019

    I create a new idea for it but my company also need a filter by feature on the gantt chart.

  • Jörg Kortmann
    Jun 27, 2019

    I see the same need as Oleksandr below. When adding features to a release they will be worked off one after another and it should be possible to limit down the view to those which remain relevant.

  • Paul Dickie
    Jun 17, 2019

    The response here is 3 years old.  Can you reasses.  We have several users requesting a filtered gantt chart view of features to be able to review and assess the sequencing.  This would be a good decision support screen and whilst it was rejected in 2016 i do consider it a value add.

  • Oleksandr Kazymyrov
    Dec 5, 2018

    We would like to filter out all features that are shipped. This is very useful when you have a large project with many tasks in one project.

  • +3

Add Feature Level Filters to the Releases Roadmap

Currently, there is not a way to filter features with the status "Will Not Implement" on the releases road map. I have no way to hide them apart from deleting them all together. It's cluttering the report.
Guest about 6 years ago in Releases 0 Shipped

Features filter available in Release plan

Currently when adding filters to the release gantt chart the "Feature" object is not available for selection. This is essential when we want to zoom into a group of features.
Paul Dickie over 5 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Release Roadmap: Filter features by tag

When viewing the Release Roadmap, we would like to be able to filter the features by a specific Feature Tag, so that we can see related features in the roadmap across multiple releases and filter out the un-related features.
Guest over 6 years ago in Releases 0 Shipped

gantt chart release view needs feature as a filter option

We want to filter the gantt chart by assigned user
Charlene Brennan almost 6 years ago in Releases 0 Shipped

Hide completed phases and activities in gantt charts

Sometimes a project can become quite huge. Especially projects with a long lead team are having many completed phases and activities which remain visible for ever. it would be very useful to be able to hide completed items.
Guest about 2 years ago in Schedules 0 Shipped

Ability to filter by feature or activity details on the Gantt page

There are times where it would be beneficial to show my Gantt view, but not include features/activities that have already been completed. It would be great to be able to add a Features/Activities filter on the Gantt page to programmatically filter...
Guest over 4 years ago in Releases 0 Shipped

Add feature filters to the Release Gantt view

The current Gantt view only provides the functionality to filter the view by Release/Initiative/Goal/Workspace. I would find it incredibly useful to be able to filter by Feature statuses, as often for client updates we are only looking at features...
Diana Ramchandani over 3 years ago in Releases 6 Shipped