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Categories Schedules
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 13, 2020
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-10520 Allow Gantt chart to nest Epics and Features underneath your release bars.

Allow features to be shown (grouped) under the master feature view within the Gantt View.

By allowing this you are actually able to build an actual schedule for a release. This would provide the end-to-end view for a release with its Master Features (Epics in my case) and the features that are being released in one view.

  • Lexy Kassan
    Mar 19, 2020

    The new Gantt layout is pretty and all but it doesn't seem to have the same functionality as it used to. There was a way, previously, to show features grouped under their master feature within the release phase. Now it seems to only have the ability to group by release phase (a bunch of features all jumbled under there with no master feature grouping) or by master feature (features are grouped to their master but are in no particular order for phases). I'd really appreciate having this capability back.