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Pivot changes - adjust calculation row and/or column independently

Currently with a Pivot chart you can choose to include a Total row AND column. For many pivot charts, only one of these makes sense and the other is useless space wasting data.
Greg Lyons almost 4 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Report on a value's historic values

Enable the user to report on the values of a field based on its history. maybe a calculated field property where you indicate the field and the version back for that field. History(Custom_Field1,1) would show the value of that field one change bac...
Steve Podzamsky over 4 years ago in Reports 6 Future consideration

Display of data in list reports is truncated on dashboards

Currently, if you share a list report to a dashboard it only shows the first page of your list report and you cannot expand the panels to see more data or click to a second page. Are we able to alter this behaviour or add a notification to the das...
Chris Quigley over 3 years ago in Reports 9 Future consideration

SSO webpage in confluence

The new SSO webpage feature is fantastic! But there's still a big problem... the confluence integration does not support it! The 'Add Aha View' option in confluence only works with publicly shared links. It must work with SSO links as well!
Kim Smit over 2 years ago in Reports 7 Future consideration

Allow joining a roll-up initiative to its' related goal in a report

Who would benefit? Businesses with multi-tiered strategic hierarchies. The reporting need is: "Show me initiatives, with their parent initiative, and then the goal that the parent initiative is related to". This could be, for example: Product-leve...
Reilly O'Connor over 1 year ago in Reports / Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

Sort options in charts

Currently, charts are sorted in alpha/numeric order along the X axis. I would like to sort the data based upon the cell value from high to low so that group Z with the highest value is listed on the far left or right side of the chart, then the re...
Phil Warden almost 4 years ago in Reports 5 Future consideration

Ability to hide colums from list view when using Calculation columns

New Calculation column in List view is a great improvement. When creating List reports it would help to make the report more 'clean' if you could hide the source columns from the report and only show the Calculated columns. This would be similar f...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Reports 5 Future consideration

Add a "Modified by user" field for each object/record in reports

What is the challenge? Although we have the "last active date" as a reporting field, we can't see which user last modified a record. Currently, the only way to do this would be through clicking into a individual record's history tab. What is the i...
Guest 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow custom fields scoped to a product line or workspace to be edited in bulk

What is the challenge? When you create a custom initiative field you can select whether to filter field values to the Account, Parent Line, or Workspace. Today only fields filtered to the Account can be edited in bulk. What is the impact? Even if ...
Emily Yankush 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to display counts and percentage values on chart slices

What is the challenge? Currently you can only choose Counts or Percentage values to display on a donut or pie chart, but you are not able to show both What is the impact? To see the both values, you have to click into the slice. Describe your idea...
Stephanie Lechner 7 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration