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Status Future consideration
Categories Reports
Created by Greg Lyons
Created on Apr 14, 2021

Pivot changes - adjust calculation row and/or column independently

Currently with a Pivot chart you can choose to include a Total row AND column. For many pivot charts, only one of these makes sense and the other is useless space wasting data.

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  • Eliza Crawford
    Nov 6, 2024

    In some pivot tables we only want to see the total for the column, not the row - can you please implement this functionality so that we can decide whether to show total for the row, column, or both in pivot tables?

  • Guest
    Jul 6, 2023

    Found another reason this is necessary - I can only sort the pivot rows by the cell calculation if a total is included. So I have to include the summary row/column so I can then sort the entire pivot table by the cell calculation.

  • Guest
    Mar 14, 2023

    I am using a pivot table to include two similar but unrelated data points so having a row summary creates confusion. I do want the column summary though.

  • Gene Lewin
    Oct 13, 2022

    I would think this is an easy one to add, and would make pivot reports way more useful for me. For example, right now I have a pivot report with 2 columns, one of which is a feature count, and the second of which is a subset of that feature count where a certain field is populated. I very much want the column totals (which show me the total number of features regardless of that field's value), as well as the total number of features where that field is populated, but the row totals are meaningless.

  • +2

Having different calculation methods on pivot tables by 'row' and 'column'

Currently if you select 'Calculate' method for a pivot table it applies it to both row and column, however this isn't always logical. In the example of selecting 'difference' you might want the difference at a row level to show difference between ...
Guest over 8 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Enable/disable row/column calculations independently in pivot tables

Option to have column or row data as totals. Current design always shows both which can cause issues when you do not want a row total.
Paul Dickie over 5 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration