New Calculation column in List view is a great improvement. When creating List reports it would help to make the report more 'clean' if you could hide the source columns from the report and only show the Calculated columns. This would be similar feature as in Release view (Show in Notebook).
It's hard to believe that this Idea was first submitted on 3/18/2019 - 6 years ago and this Idea is a "future consideration". I'm just wrote my first report with calculated fields and half the report display is taken up by fields that are input to the calculation. I'd love a cleaner presentation within Aha.
Voting for this idea.
It would be a good feature to have as we'll be able to hide some clunky workarounds to the people browsing shared List View.
Here's an example to illustrate my comment:
As a workaround, I have to display three columns (initial, detailed and best estimate fields) to turn Hours into Days in charts. With the capability to drill in Dashboard now (, the four columns are displayed in the list instead of just one. It's a pretty big deal for us as we try to keep everything as simplicist and straight forward for the people interested in consulting our Dashboards.
This would be great as you currently have to show all columns used in a calculation and this just clutters up the report
This would be wonderful. Any movement on this idea since last year?
need the ability to hide columns in list view. sometimes we add calculations to build on more complex calculations and need to hide the "extra" calculated columns