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Status Future consideration
Categories Reports
Created by Steve Podzamsky
Created on Sep 1, 2020

Report on a value's historic values

Enable the user to report on the values of a field based on its history.

maybe a calculated field property where you indicate the field and the version back for that field. History(Custom_Field1,1) would show the value of that field one change back.

The use case would be for reporting on custom fields where you need to know that a fields value was changed and you can show current and prior value.

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  • Chris Vellucci
    Oct 1, 2024

    This is desired to be able to best track large teams and dependencies as users will adjust fields, descriptions, commitments, during their sprints. Enabling historical reports enables managers to pinpoint changes in delivery expectations, feature descriptions/promises, and changes in expected due dates.

  • Michael Rezin
    Jun 6, 2024

    We need a way to be able to update multiple teams in mass without having to manually track this. It is currently a massive burden to try to track changes manually and then manually report out to execs, CX, support, etc.

    I would love to have a single report, that can be automated that shows "all features who's due date or start date has been modified in the past week" so that everyone can understand changes that have been made to the roadmap at a quick glance without having to remember the previous state

  • Kathleen Singleton
    Nov 7, 2023

    This would be helpful in tracking project changes. We have various processes for tracking scope creep but if we could list story/feature custom field changes and share them out before our meetings, it would streamline our scope creep planning.

  • Marcie Gardner
    Apr 4, 2022

    It would be amazing if it could also include the date it was changed and the user who made the update. Thanks for considering!

  • Krisztina Hodjan
    Jul 26, 2021

    Hi Team, we also would like to see the history changes of our certain custom fields and report them. Thank you very much.

  • David Burrows
    Apr 22, 2021

    This would be fantastic. I would like to be able to run reports, based on historical values.

    For example, I have a report which shows the current status of all of my ideas, I want to be able to compare this with the same records, but have their values be as they were one month ago.

    This would give massive potential for insights, and if it could be implemented in the format:

    HistoryDate(<Field>,<Date>), - this would allow comparisons to be made inside columns to show the change over time.
    HistoryPrior(<Field>,<PriorNumber>) - where prior number is the number of historical alterations back you want to show (as mentioned by Steve above)- although this may not give as much of a comparable value for larger reports.

  • +7

Inclusion of History of features in reporting

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Guest over 3 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Field level reporting

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Julie Edwards over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration