Currently, charts are sorted in alpha/numeric order along the X axis. I would like to sort the data based upon the cell value from high to low so that group Z with the highest value is listed on the far left or right side of the chart, then the rest in ascending or descending order.
This feature would greatly enhance the clarity of numerous charts. In my scenario, I oversee multiple projects simultaneously, each project progressing through various states such as "1. Exploration," "2. Design," "3. ...," "4. ...," "5. Operation," etc. I aim to visualize this progression using scatter charts due to the large number of projects. Currently, I have project names plotted along the X-axis and project statuses along the Y-axis. However, the scatter chart loses its effectiveness when the Y-axis is not sorted, as it becomes challenging to interpret the progression of projects.
There is a workaround for this problem. If you go to the pivot view> edit data, and change teh 'Within cells list as:' field to a count, you can then sort the columns by 'Cells (Total of counted records)'. Once you do this to the pivot, you can then go back to your bar chart and it will be sorted in ascending/descending order.
This would help a lot for planning purposes!!
Similarly, I'd like to be able to control the sort of chart's X-axis. In my case, not from cell value, but would love to be able to drag/drop to sort them how I see fit.