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Allow workspace owner to grant additional permissions when access is given at the line level

What is the challenge? When users have been given access at a line level, workspace owners below that line cannot give them additional access (i.e. if someone is a reviewer at the line level a workspace owner in that line cannot make them a contri...
Julia Pence 10 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Increase the maximum of 1,000 cells of data in pivot report

We are doing capacity planning and have over 50 teams. We would like to see all of the epics in the scenario's capacity plan by team by month, but cannot because we are hitting the maximum of 1,000 cells. In order to see all of the data on one rep...
Diane Landante about 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to see more than the last 200 logs in Aha-Jira Integrations

Sometimes we need to investigate synchronisation errors between Aha! and Jira. We can find these errors long after an initial error might have happened. We might need to go back to the original error which may have happened months ago. The limitat...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Jira 2 Future consideration

User can view progress report "burndown chart" on a sub release timeline instead of the roll-up release date so the team can verify the progress for the month instead of quarter.

Assume each quarter is a roll-up release, for each roll-up there are multiple monthly sub release say month1-month3. As a user, I want to see the burndown chart for the sprint on a monthly basis so that I can correctly determine any over scoped ep...
Sampson Wong about 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

When creating a new Ideas record, you cannot add new Tags values like you can in the same field on the edit screen

When working with Ideas directly in Aha! (not via the Ideas portal) there is a discrepancy with how the Tags field works. On the Create ideas form, the Tags field does not allow you to add new values (see attached Create Idea Tags field no results...
John Gartner-Baca over 1 year ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

Ability to customize the list of requirements within a feature

Currently, the list of requirements within a feature is fixed and only contains 3 columns: Requirement # Requirement Name Status It would be great if we could customize the columns to display. In my case, the status is not that important to see ...
Pascal Begin over 7 years ago in Features 8 Future consideration

Provide a warning explaining consequences when changing the workflow used in a workspace

When a user moves to a new workflow in a workspace or team, there can be a loss of data related to the statuses like cycle time, time in status, etc. I would like to understand these consequences before making the change so I am not surprised with...
Max Robbins over 1 year ago in Wanted 1 Will not implement

Idea Categories need color capabilities

Guest over 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Use field comparisons to trigger automation rules

For example, when the Detailed estimate field changes to a value that is higher than the Initial estimate field, assign a to-do for someone to review.
Guest 5 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Maintain cycle time data when team workflow is changed

Currently if I select a new workflow for my team and map my statuses to new statuses, I lose all past cycle time data because cycle time only focuses on the current workflow being used. Instead, I would like to see historical data that coincides w...
Max Robbins over 1 year ago in Development / Reports 0 Future consideration