What is the challenge? Some objects have many fields, and while tabs helps with this somewhat it would still be valuable to subdivide a tab with headers and group fields together. What is the impact? The longer form layouts can feel daunting for s...
Michael Bruner
3 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When referencing object in chat with team-mates, I have to copy the URL link and then modify to include object name (feature name, release name, etc.). What is the impact? If I don't do that, my team-mates must open the link...
Lukas Slavicek
8 months ago
in Application
Future consideration
The current Aha! Kanban board does not provide the flexibility other tools such as SwiftKanban provide. Is there any plan to build an integration into Swift Kanban and/or is there any plan to build out a more robust kanban board within Aha! We hav...
almost 6 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
Public Users Watch and Subscribe to Knowledgebase Articles being Published.
What is the challenge? We would like to use Knowledgebase Advanced to track things like User Documentation, FAQs, and Release Notes and make this available publicly. However we need a way to disseminate this information to our users who have want ...
9 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Show 'Add vote' button for ideas unfurled in Slack
It would be cool if the slack integration had an 'Add vote' button for ideas posted in Slack along with the Add comment button. Then, people could quickly vote on newly created ideas without leaving Slack.
Todd Meyer
7 months ago
in Slack
Future consideration
Global feature to filter out internal votes displayed everywhere in Aha!, especially in the Ideas Portal
Our organization promises to review and take some action on any idea that receives over 25 votes. We don't count internal votes toward that total, but internal votes will push it over that threshold. The main problem is that the customers only see...
over 1 year ago
in Voting
Future consideration
Pendo is a great tool that our company uses to see how our clients interact with our product. I'd love to be able to pull in some of the analytics of product use into Aha. For example, how many users are using this new feature we launched, etc.
almost 6 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
Show advanced estimate for a record in the Unscheduled work report when there isn't an end date on the record
What is the challenge? A customer was trying to set end dates for the features in the Unscheduled work report using the advanced estimates that had been set for the features as a guide for how long the duration of the feature should be. The initia...
What is the challenge? Users want the ability to prioritize their ideas, but currently, there is no functionality to add a custom field to an idea vote. This option is only available for proxy votes. What is the impact? Without the ability to prio...
Eliza Crawford
3 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration