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Showing 9168 of 9168

Allow for an up or down vote

We want to know who is for and who is against an idea (like a youtube video where you can vote up or down)
Guest almost 10 years ago in Ideas / Voting 15 Unlikely to implement

Ability to sort Comments by date and/or list most current first

I use the Comments field as a place to store Weekly Project status comments / and actions.. When team members visit the Aha! project it would be beneficial to have the most recent comments listed first versus scrolling down the list of comments to...
Guest over 9 years ago in Comments / Notifications 27 Future consideration

Set capacity per team per release

Capacity for teams is currently available to set up at a 'global' level - number of hours per day per week. It would be helpful for teams that are planning releases with multiple teams, to be able to set a capacity for each team per release. Once ...
Madeleine Black almost 5 years ago in Capacity planning / Releases 3 Future consideration

Integrate with Miro

Hi, would you consider integration with Miro, formerly RealTime Board? This is a great diagraming app, and has a good Jira integration which I was going to use in a convoluted way by pushing from Jira to Aha to get visibility back in Aha. In reali...
Guest over 5 years ago in Wanted / Whiteboards 18 Future consideration

Don't remove lane in feature board view once shipped

Currently when you ship a release the lane disappears from the feature board view. It would be great if instead of disappearing all together the lane was simply greyed out or marked as shipped. The feature board view is where we look to see what w...
Emily vargas almost 7 years ago in Features 27 Unlikely to implement

Allow sorting records in custom tables

Custom table records are currently sorted by order of creation. Since users often create more important/common records first, the important ones end up at the bottom of the list. Instead, allow sorting these records via drag-and-drop (or at least ...
Zach Schneider over 8 years ago in Account settings 14 Future consideration

Allow the creation of to-dos in a custom "create new feature" template

You just launched a feature whereby you can create a list of to-dos in a feature, and then when you copy that feature the to-dos are copied over with them. However this is a very clumsy way to have to create new features every single time. I need ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Features 17 Future consideration

"Real" 2-way integration with pivotal

The pivotal integration only allows for 2-way integration only if originally pushed from aha initially. Even then it's pretty limited to status and description. If I create an 'feature' in aha which maps to an 'epic' in pivotal, and someone add...
Guest about 10 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 23 Will not implement

Automatic refresh of Aha! data in Excel (or PowerPoint)

It would be great if we had the choice of maintining an active link to data when exporting to Excel (or hopefully one day to PowerPoint) so that the Excel can be refreshed with the latest data in the report. I am envisioning sth like it is describ...
Markus Gujer over 6 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Update idea status when promoting to an existing feature

When I promote an idea to a new feature, the status of the idea changes to the first one in the workflow that equates to “in progress”. When I promote an idea the an existing feature, however, the status does not change. I think promoting to an ex...
Tom Beck over 6 years ago in Ideas 14 Future consideration