By adding grouped features to the Master Feature view this would allow users to see which features are within their master features, and allow drag and drop of features between master features.
The display of features is currently not an option in the Master Features view, so adding this should be very low disruption to existing functionality... While allowing a simple and cleaner interface for moving items between master features.
Adding a comment to this from a reporting perspective. It'd be great to have a Gantt roadmap report where the master features can be the parent line of and, in the same report, could be broken down into features (also in a Gantt view).
This. Exactly the way Moises drew it up.
This would be an extremely valuable feature for me, as I often want to flip back and forth between the higher level "Epic" view and the Features view when discussing the roadmap. The way it's currently designed it takes up a lot of space and it's difficult to see which Features in the release are related to the same epic.
Have a slightly different request, showing more of the features and less of the Maters, like the screenshot attached.
Fully support this. Because of all its dynamic access points, the PM team usually review the roadmap internally using the Feature Board vs Roadmap (that now groups features under master features) in order to facilitate the discussion. Having the features grouped under Master feature makes it more visually intuitive.