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Created by Guest
Created on Nov 16, 2015

Integration with Smartsheet

Product implementation and execution schedule can be build up with much more detail in smartsheet. A combination of aha! and smartsheet can be a much more powerful tool for our customer.

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    • susan marie
      May 20, 2024

      As a large organization, functional groups prefer their own process of planning and tracking. At the end of the day, there is still just one set of resources and one budget for the product roadmap.

    • Cathy Soller
      Feb 19, 2024

      As others have already mentioned, Smartsheet can be used in many companies as either a single point of entry or as a Dashboard app or whatever else they may need. To not even look into a built in integration between Aha! and Smartsheet is saying, too bad for you. I get that Aha! is a good planning tool but it is not a great place for Developers to do their work nor does it work extremely well for Support tickets or Sales. Smartsheet allows that single pain of glass view into work happening in other areas of an organization without the need to duplicate tickets across those tools, unless of course there is a need to as in moving work from Support to Dev or Sales to Tier 3 Support.

    • Brad Rocole
      Oct 18, 2023

      S&P 500 company that uses Smartsheet for a number of functions but Aha! integration is not one of them. Much needed integration to create greater effectiveness of Aha! within our organization.

    • Josh Wayne
      Aug 7, 2023

      Smartsheet continues to grow within our organization for use across departments. We are standardizing much of our reporting around it. It would be great to have an integration between the two

    • Ellen Dirnberger
      Jun 13, 2023

      +1 to everything that has been called out in previous comments. Allowing an integration with SmartSheet would be a complete game changer for both product management but also stakeholder and pyramid integrations and management. Portfolio and project managers are more likely to use SmartSheet so allowing/developing an integration within Aha! would allow Aha! to be a one stop shop and significantly reduce workload for teams.

    • Guest
      Aug 18, 2022

      We have some users in our organization that are established within Smartsheets while our analysts utilize the superior functionality of Aha! for our own work. It would be nice to connect to Smartsheets to integrate those users where it doesn't make sense to move them from an application they have already invested their time and are comfortable with.

    • Nancy Weirich
      Jun 7, 2022

      I completely agree with the users below. We use Aha! for our product management, but Smartsheet for our project management and would find it quite helpful to ensure the two are aligned.

    • Danielle Martinez
      Feb 10, 2022

      Smartsheet is quickly becoming the sole source of truth for many orgs. It would be beneficial to at least be able to integrate on a reports level to tie into greater organizational reports. We now have individuals doing double the work with ensuring their Aha! is running effectively and updating smartsheet reports for higher level viewing.

    • Maria Patton
      Oct 19, 2021

      Would love to see this reconsidered by the Admin team. While Aha! offers a comprehensive solution for managing product implementation and execution, it doesn't fit well into our organization's use of Smartsheet for an enterprise view into projects across several departments. With 54 votes, and the use of Smartsheet expanding/growing, it may be time to reconsider this integration.

    • Sherri Anderson
      Jun 19, 2020

      We have other departments that use Smartsheets they would like to take our data and pull it in then add a field or two where they can put their own details

    • Paul Raymond
      May 8, 2020

      I use smartsheet to collect business requirements from non-Aha users, ie. business leaders.

      And use Aha for roadmapping. Need to keep records in both apps synchronized.

    • Marcie Gardner
      Feb 18, 2020

      Highly agreed. Our company was hoping to jerry-rig a highly detailed Capacity planning solution within Aha!, via integration with Smartsheet. Extremely disappointed to see Aha! does not support this functionality yet, especially when the need was raised so long ago.

    • Katie Kline
      Jan 16, 2020

      Agree with Joseph Flahiff - an integration with smartsheet would definitely increase the value of Aha! and save our project managers and portfolio managers a lot of time and headaches.

      Aha is great for product strategy, release planning and feature tracking whereas, smartsheet is great at managing details across different initiatives --they should be able to talk to each other.

    • Guest
      Oct 15, 2019

      the ability to interface cleanly Aha! / SmartSheet would be a significant benefit. Smartsheet for the down and dirty details and Aha! for strategic planning.  

    • Guest
      May 1, 2019

      Even with the reporting enhancements, our challenge is with the different jobs being done between Aha and Smartsheet. We NEED both - Aha for the roadmap and all of the collateral necessary (initiatives, features, releases), and Smartsheet for the more detailed project plans, budget analysis, and resource allocations. Instead we have to try to shoehorn custom fields into Aha so we can see stuff that's tracked in Smartsheet but needs to be in the same display/notebook, and we have to maintain data in 2 places since there's no integration today. You considered this feature over 3 years ago. PLEASE re-consider it again now.

    • Michele Oliveto
      Apr 30, 2019

      Our organization requires Aha to SmartSheet integration, is this capability up for reconsideration for Aha to implement?  

    • Rich Julius
      Feb 13, 2019

      As Viktoria mentioned, we have other teams not using Aha and we all have to roll up to a Portfolio team who is using Smartsheet (which everyone here has). So it would be great to bubble up some info to Smartsheet. Has anyone tried Zapier? They claim to have an Aha-Smartsheet integration. 

    • Guest
      Feb 8, 2019

      Aha! isn't designed to be a Project Management tool. SmartSheet has more functionality than just being a Gantt chart that our Technical/Project Managers & Sales Teams leverage. It would be incredibly valuable to be able to at least link to Aha! records from within SmartSheet. 

    • Viktoria Jacyno
      Oct 8, 2018

      Integrating with smartsheet would allow us to incorporate our product development plans with other departments who don't use (and wont use) AHA for planning. 

    • Guest
      May 24, 2018

      Aha is great for roadmapping, but it's not a project management tool (and I would argue should not be).  Implementation is very complex and Aha is not sufficient for tracking all related tasks, dependencies and due dates across all funcitons in the company.  Because Aha and Smartsheet are not easily integrated today I spend many hours every week copying release names, dates and details into smartsheet.. technically both have API's so syncing CAN be done, but i'd rather not have to build an integration.  We've already had to build a custom application that runs on top of Aha in order to help our product managers effectively use it, if we have to do much more, may consider abandoning.

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    2 MERGED

    Smartsheet integration

    What is the challenge? We use Smartsheet for program management (yes, I know you can also use AHA). For usability I would like to have AHA information populate to Smartsheet. How would you solve it? I would ask you to solve it :-) What impact woul...
    Guest 12 months ago in Integrations 0 Shipped
    1 MERGED

    Integration with Smartsheet

    What is the challenge? Having to duplicate and manage information in two places What is the impact? Cost savings via reduction of time and errors Describe your idea Either generate Smartsheets directly from Aha! or map specific fields to generate ...
    Guest 7 months ago in Integrations 0 Shipped