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Show scorecard custom fields in ideas portal

Scorecard custom fields can be added to ideas, but they can't be displayed in the ideas portal. This is needed in order to allow users the ability to provide a customized score when entering an idea.
    Aug 29, 2024

    We heard that many of you have met this need by syncing idea custom fields with scorecard metrics. This allows you to add number and text fields to your ideas form that can then be automatically pulled into your scorecard metrics.

    So we will now consider this idea to be shipped. If there is anything else you need, please submit a new idea and let us know!

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    • Guest Comment
      Jan 4, 2023

      Please add - we'd use this tomorrow. It could be the exact scorecard, or just elements of it.

      As a super nice to have, a way for idea submitters to give an initial score, and then for a product team to see those scores and adjust them up/down as part of a triage meeting would be great too.

    • Ali Rizvi
      Apr 29, 2022

      Having the ability to view custom properties within the ideas portal will be very useful for us. With this, we will be able to, not only get an end user vote on an idea, but also have the ability to get a 'desired' metric from our end users/customers.
      This could be a ranking/prio from 1 to 5, e.g. 5 - Highly Desired ... 1 - I can live without it.
      Our current scoring algorithm uses something similar, but having the scorecard only available on Features and not Ideas is hampering us from realizing this concept within the ideas portal.

    • Emily Hoelting
      Apr 21, 2022

      This functionality would be very useful for us as we have a "request portal" for internal stakeholders to request changes to the roadmap. We are trying to put more burden on them to curate data points for decisions to be made, so having them fill out a scorecard would be awesome

    • Guest
      Feb 8, 2022

      I echo the desire to have a requester complete a scorecard at the time of request submission. We would use this functionality to help initially prioritize incoming requests.

    • Guest
      Oct 29, 2021
      If the idea form (in the ideas portal) could map directly to the ideas scoring, then some of the prioritising work of ideas can be done before the product manager even looks at the idea. I appreciate that the person raising the idea may not be right every time at scoring the idea, but their input is better than none. This implementation mainly works when ideas are internally raised, but from a customer perspective the scoring criteria may be 'pain the problem is causing, % of customers affected (if you're a distributor) etc
    • Guest
      Aug 30, 2021

      We do regular idea generation campaigns within our organization. The assessment hinges on strategic alignment and business case. We have created a few simple likert scales associated with the key metrics to make it easy to do a first pass score/evaluation. It would be ideal to be able to expose these to the submitter of the ideas so that they come in pre-scored which would support our triage processes.

    • Guest
      Jul 7, 2021

      This would be great - a good start would be an option to show the scorecard values on display

    • Charlene Brennan
      Dec 8, 2020

      We would like our product managers entering ideas to be able to score them at that point so it doesn't get forgotten. Although we wouldn't make it required, the option to do so is needed.

    • Hannah Jackson
      Oct 30, 2019

      This is greatly needed. 


      Without the ability for end users (portal users) to input scorecard values, idea managers are required to arduous work arounds.

      • Creating separate fields to capture the scorecard inputs
      • Manually updating the scorecard values with inputs provided by portal users on the form

      These workarounds reduce the likelihood that scorecards could be used in their full capacity.  In any type of scoring model like this I'd expect the end user (portal user) to be able to input some variables, and the admin/idea manager to input others.  This can help balance the score.  Limiting this functionality to admins only is a huge miss with regards to actualization of the value of scorecards.

    • Guest
      Aug 1, 2019

      We need the Idea submitters to score & prioritize their submissions. This is critical!

    • John Goodloe
      Jun 28, 2019

      This would be really helpful, allowing our partners to not only submit but score their request based on the same criteria that is being used to set priorities.  This feature will fast track our ability to triage newly submitted ideas.

    • Max Chanoch
      May 16, 2017

      This would streamline the product for a variety of reasons - it allows end users to submit their initial score - and then Product/ Engineering/ Stakeholders collectively revise the score. Without it, any metric in terms of importance, value, weight, or likewise is 100% manual.

      Given that *every other custom field* is supported in Ideas - why wouldn't scorecards? For any team looking to incorporate outside feedback around a value or score that measures a variety of fields that matter to a business, the workaround is a major pain in the ass. 

    • Guest
      Mar 1, 2017

      This is a must for me. You have the feature everywhere except in the ideas portal and I see that this has been requested a long time ago.

    • Brendan Schmidt
      Feb 16, 2017

      This would be helpful in our prioritization machine; letting our sales team and account team visualize objective metrics and how they impact our decision making.

    • Sean Fackrell
      Feb 9, 2017

      The ability to have a custom multi field scorecard in a portal would be invaluable when collecting quantitative information especially when the question is subjective like 'would you say that the xxxxx we are providing to you the customer has got worse, stayed the same or improved' especially across multiple metrics.

    • Guest
      Feb 6, 2017

      This would be really helpful as when users are provided ideas they should be able to define how project would benefit from their ideas and also helps us in prioritization. Pls add this functionality of adding scores to the idea portal - add an idea screen.

    • Guest
      Nov 9, 2016

      I agree.

    • Sean Connelly
      Sep 23, 2016

      The scorecard would be very useful for asking someone a matrix/Likert style question. For example:

      On a scale of 1-10…

      • Frequency...
      • Time Spent...
      • End User Impact...
      • Sales Impact...

      The total number would be an overall 'pain score', which helps tremendously in prioritizing. I'm going to try doing this with a series of dropdown custom fields, but not sure how well it will work since it's the total number (4-40) I'm interested in more than the individual responses of 1-10.

    • Casi Nestelroad
      Sep 14, 2016

      This would be really helpful to have on the ideas portal.  I need my sales people to accurately score their entries from salesforce opportunities.