Adding Custom Fields to the Ideas Portal is really neat. A user submits an idea through the Portal and Product Management promotes the idea to a Feature and schedules it in a release. At this point all the user can tell from the Ideas Portal is that the idea is Scheduled - the big question is when and what is the release name. With that information in hand the user can then communicate the schedule to his/her customer. If/when the idea, turned Feature, is rescheduled, or its status changes in any other way that needs to be visible on the Ideas Portal too.
There are several new standard fields that you can now add to your ideas portal layout to keep folks up-to-date about what you are working on. This includes who the idea is assigned to, its tags, and its product value score. You can also add details about the record an idea was promoted to — like the feature name and status or the release name and date. Note: the release fields will only show after the idea has shipped.
Dive into the details here.
Love it!
Illuminating regular fields on the ideas portal -- especially the "Tags" field -- would help our product managers and stakeholders tremendously by allowing us to communicate and report on shared themes
Our use case is that we would like to expose more fields to the portal users.
One is the owner of the idea (assignee) and the other is the issue that the idea is promoted to.
This is for an internal facing portal (not exposed to external customer users) and it will greatly improve the UX for our internal stakeholders.
Candidly, I'm surprised that this isn't standard functionality. I took it for granted that it would be and now need to come up with another workarond which becomes just another barrier for adoption.
Our customers are asking which release we are planning to implement their feature. Having the release name on the idea makes it easier for them to know when their idea will be done rather than trying to cross reference their idea back to a feature and then guessing. MAJOR PAIN POINT.
The Ideas portal is great....but we need to be able to communicate with the requestor as to what the target release is for this feature WITHOUT adding additional work for the PdMs, like filling out a custom field whereas we already have a standard release field designating the targeted release.
This would be extremely useful! We're creating new a new shipped status for each release, for example, 'Shipped - 3.63 Pilot', and then when it goes to general we change the shipped status name to 'Shipped - 3.63 General Release'. We're using the bulk edit option to mass update ideas that have shipped in a release to the new more descriptive shipped status.
Many of our Aha users (PM/CSM/SE/Customers) have asked for this feature.
Will it be available soon? The workaround requires manual intervention.
This would be doubly handy if we could use it to let internal teams speak the same language as our dev teams by indicating which request in our internal development systems will respond to the idea that they have submitted.
Plus one. The workaround for using a custom field is not really scalable, requiring us to remember another manual step each time we move a feature between releases. This Idea would really improve our ability to keep stakeholders informed.
Submitter usually want to know when a idea or ER will be released so that they can communicate to customers. 'Release information ' at idea level is important and avoids manual work for PM
Agree, would also like to see the Release of promoted Features propagated back to the Ideas the Feature is associated with/derived from, to manage delivery and timeline expectations of the requester.
We need this for stakeholder management. This is very important
This is a very import thing for our use. The custom fields is a lot of extra work.
I would love to see this enhancement. Currently we are manually selecting an estimated date which is very hard to keep up with. If an idea is linked to an object with an external release date it would ideally show that date scoped to the time frame specified in the release (quarter, month, day, etc)
Thank you!
Hi there. This is not currently planned on our roadmap, however we will continue to monitor customer feedback on this idea. In the meantime, we would recommend using a custom field to share details on release plans through the portal. For example, we use a "Release time frame" custom field that we will update with a general note on timing once an idea is planned.
I am interested in this idea. In the meantime is there a suggested work around to allow the idea owner and subscribers to know which release it is Scheduled or Planned for?
Also looking for an update on this feature request.
When can we expect that this gets implemented?