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Create Scores based off Survey Input from the Ideas Portal (Game Changer Idea!)

I want to use surveys on the Ideas Portal to rank ideas and features.  Ideally, I can create custom fields that submitters fill out that are used to score ideas, place them on the ideas chart, and rank features converted from those ideas.  This would save our team tons of time.  

More Details:

I don't want to have to manually calculate scores with subjective input from my team all the time.  The main use of the ideas portal for us is the ability to poll input from customers, Sales, Customer Service, and Management.  This would totally save us time and discussion if we could objectivize their input.  

I would like for Customers and any submitter to be able to score their idea and for voters to be able to score it as well based on custom fields we create.  (I would typically use Customer Value vs. our Rank in the Market for a chart and then maybe Technical Risk vs. Customer Value too).  

These custom scores should be fields that follow an idea from submission, to its Scorecard, to the Idea Charts, and then to the Feature ranking options on the Feature Lists and Boards.  They could include custom fields like:  Customer Value, Rating vs. the Market, # Votes, Tags, etc.

    Apr 18, 2024

    Collaborate with stakeholders on priorities

    We are excited that Aha! now offers several tools to help drive alignment on priorities!

    • You can now run voting sessions in whiteboards. Send your ideas list to a whiteboard, then configure a voting session and invite anyone to participate. Choose how many votes each person gets and how long the session should run. Then view the results to discover the top ideas across the group.

    • We also recommend using polls in your ideas portal (and in-app!) to get prioritization feedback from a larger group. Ask people to rate how important a specific idea is to them. Or have them choose their top idea from a list and use a text field to explain why.

    • You can also add custom fields to the idea form, automate scorecards, gather proxy votes, integrate with Salesforce, and use whiteboard templates.

    Check these options out and let us know what you think!

    Note: Some of you mentioned gathering scorecard metrics from multiple people. If the tools above don't meet your needs, please add a new idea and share your use case.

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    • Guest
      Feb 14, 2024

      This is something we're actively trying to solve for at the moment. We score upcoming products to determine what is needed for messaging and knowledge support. We have a team of 15 stakeholders who assist with this that are not in editing seats and we cannot add them just for the sake of scoring. So we're left using excel sheets/funneling that work to the few who have editing licenses.

    • Guest
      Oct 31, 2023

      Yes, please keep this open for the note at the bottom! I spend 2+ hours every week turning votes collected against various metrics through Google Forms into scores in Aha. I have multiple stakeholders voting on ideas every week and I have to use a separate application to collect all of their feedback since Aha does not have a way to show an individual scorecard to everyone and collate the values.

    • Guest Comment
      Jan 4, 2023

      Please add this - we'd like to have stakeholders take an initial pass at a scorecard, and workarounds like duplicating all the fields and then hand-entering them after submission into a scorecard are time-consuming and error-prone.

    • Guest
      Aug 3, 2022

      This would be an amazing feature to have in Aha! I curate a weekly CCB meeting that reviews a subset of ideas from our portal. Currently, I select the ideas for review, tag them with a custom field, and build a list report in Aha. Then, I have to create a Google Form with our scorecard metrics so each member of the CCB can evaluate each idea themselves. After our weekly meeting, I manually update the scorecard in Aha based on the results of the formulas I apply in the resulting Google sheet (sums and averages - nothing super complex).

      It would save me a few hours every week if I could use Aha for the report and the voting rather than transposing everything from Aha into the Google Form and back.

    • Dan Molloy
      Apr 22, 2022

      Thanks for keeping open- what would be killer for us would be a function that allows the crown to score impact and effort. other idea collection software has a crowdsource on this including scatter diagrams that allow you to see the averages as well as the spread.

    • Mark Shergold
      Sep 21, 2021

      Hi @aha, i remember completing a user survey about this kind of capability in March this year, is there anymore you can share on whether this feature will be developed??

    • Ben Smith
      Sep 30, 2020

      YES! please do something to solve this problem... "I don't want to have to manually calculate scores with subjective input from my team all the time. The main use of the ideas portal for us is the ability to poll input from customers, Sales, Customer Service, and Management. This would totally save us time and discussion if we could objectivize their input. "

    • Guest
      Apr 14, 2020

      This is one of the main things we were hoping to accomplish with this system. does this really well. They call it Priority Poker. It allows stakeholders the chance to score items/features at their own leisure which is great for remote teams. It averages the scores and then gives you one last chance to reconcile the score.

    • Chris Becker
      Feb 6, 2019

      This is exactly what I have been trying to figure out how to do today. I'd like to use this internally, with sales, CX, and implementation teams. Question - in the Ideas list view I can add data columns about the voting process. Does anyone know what the "Vote Value" field is associated with? It's not the total vote count. 

    • Laura Giles
      Nov 21, 2018

      is this scoped for anytime in the near future?

    • Guest
      Dec 19, 2017

      This will be a great feature. In my use case, I am looking for a capability by which an idea submitted by my stakeholder can be scored by him. The Aha! score consists of 5 factors in my case, and i want the stakeholder who owns each of those factors to set their score.

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Dec 11, 2017

      Hi Ian, this is not currently planned on our roadmap. We will continue to consider it for the future and monitor customer feedback here in the meantime. Thank you!

    • Guest
      Dec 8, 2017

      @aha Can we get an update on this feature?  It's very highly ranked but no progress for nearly 3 years. 

    • Guest
      May 1, 2016

      Surveys would be a powerful tool to close the loop on an idea that was delivered.  Allowing some kind of light weight surveying capability, eg) Net Promoter score, or a custom ranking to see how your collaborators think you did with the idea having come to fruition.

    • Ross Reynolds (External)
      Nov 24, 2015

      Thanks everyone for your comments.  Just circling back to see where this idea is.  

      Right now, the main purpose of this feature for us would be to get input from the user (whatever the input might be-- score 1-5 for importance, difficulty, revenue, etc), and have that input transfer with the idea all the way to when it is created as a feature.  We have a hard time prioritizing / justifying features when we can't see the info that came in with them when they were an idea.  

      We typically ask people to rank the idea 1-5 Customer Value and Our Market Rating, but ideally people could create any two values for their matrix .  If we could use the survey inputs to plot ideas automagically on a chart rather than having to manually / subjectively place them ourselves the way it works now, it would go a long way toward making our process more data driven and more transparent to stakeholders.  

      @Lara - Would like to see vote limiting or some sort of point system for the community.  The way I see this feature, it's separate, but that idea has my vote too.  

      Thanks for the comments.  Ask a friend to vote us up.


    • Jonathan Strutt
      Nov 10, 2015

      We came across a similar need - the use case we had was when you want to score a number of ideas with only a hand-full of users; if you have, say, 10 users and 80 ideas, it's hard to create sufficient differentiation through voting; but with the ability to let users score the idea, (say, 1-10) you could create a better differentiation;

    • Lara Hopley
      Nov 8, 2015

      Yes but limit the votes. Like money if you have unlimited votes you are less discriminating. Having this is very good but each vote must "hurt" ie if I vote for this I can't vote for that!  Which makes people more discriminating

    • Jason Novek
      Sep 11, 2015

      We use ideas 100% internally and I would LOVE to score based on these things.

      Right now I don't use scoring at all but I would if this were a thing.

    • Guest
      Aug 13, 2015

      This would be great if scores could be automatically derived from values submitted by customers. 

    • Guest
      May 15, 2015

      It would be a nice option and starting point as an idea is promoted to a feature.

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