SSO - support signing outbound authentication requests
Our infosec requires SAML requests to be signed, and don't approve the strict HTTPS certificate checking when sending requests to identity providers. This causes links to our ideas portal to work only if the user is already logged in, which really...
Ori Kanfer
over 6 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
Idea Portal sub-title Links on a form should open in a new tab
Issue: Clicking a link in the Idea Portal subtitle will navigate the user away from entering an idea in the current URL Request: Have the ability Idea Portal sub-title click link that opens in a new browser tab
Mike Jacobson
about 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Idea portal and promoting an idea to a feature is great great great thing ... however, there are times when features sit in the parking lot long enough and don't move forward and I would then like to demote the feature back to an idea to see if an...
over 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Please allow me to remove the name of the commentor from the Ideas Portal notifications. Our portal is anonymized so users may vote and comment on each other's items but without knowing their identities. If this information is included in notifica...
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Ability to identify ideas submitted by different portals on a workspace
We have a use case where multiple portals are submitting ideas to a single workspace and there is no easy way to check the source of the idea. The only way we can currently do is using 'idea submission portal' on the views to filter. But PMs want ...
Jyothirmayi Talaparthy
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Restrict access to ideas portal to internal colleagues only
Who would benefit? Product Team What impact would it make? Enable better collaboration with internal colleagues How should it work? Current internal security policies man we can't use the portal as it would be open to anybody
Andrew O
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Customisation admin access should be granted by workspace, rather than be a blanket permission for all workspaces they have visibility of.
Who would benefit? This would allow us to grant more autonomy to the product managers who can customise their own workspace, while not allowing them to customise all other workspaces they may have some access to. What impact would it make? This wo...
over 1 year ago
in User management
Future consideration
I would like the ability to add an explanation as to why a status changed when I change the status on the idea. Right now I only have the ability to change the status which will send one email then I have to add a comment on the comments tab which...
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
The current SEO support for the Ideas portal is pretty bad. Search result performance should be one of the top priorities for a portal like this. Here are some big limitations I ran into when I dug into the Ideas portal:
The meta title tag is lim...
Sergie Magdalin
about 8 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Timestamps for Ideas Comments in New Ideas Portal Layout
Who would benefit? It would be beneficial for customers to be able to see a timestamp for when a comment was posted. Similar to what already exists in the Classic Ideas portal. What impact would it make? Keep comments more organized and digestible...
Vincent G
over 1 year ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration