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My votes: Ideas

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Toggle Detail and Detail Drawer

After expanding the view of an item from the detail drawer to the full view, there should be a corresponding CTA (call to action) to collapse the detail view back down to the drawer view. I understand that I can click the back button to achieve th...
Tom Beck over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Will not implement

When adding users to the Ideas portal, I'd like to see who has actually followed up and created an account.

This will allow us to see how many people have signed up to the portal, after we have added them as a user. Therefore being able to send reminders to users who aren't using.
Alex BERRY over 7 years ago in Ideas 2 Already exists

Add the capability to allow users to remove their PI data (ie email and name) from the ideas portal profile, while maintaining the ideas they submitted

Due to various EU data privacy laws, many companies need the ability to have users 'be forgotten' from systems. Ideally, this should be done in a self-service manner by the user (as they see it as critical to them). Today, it requires the user to...
Kevin O'Connor over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Tag implemented ideas with product version

Our customers are sometimes not on the latest version of our software so we sometimes get asked when a feature or idea was implemented. One of them recently suggested that it would be nice to see a list of version numbers or at least the first ver...
Tobias Lehtipalo over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Add an idea with no product associated with it or multiple products

More than half of our ideas span more than one product. An example is localization in a certain language. The tool restricts you to choosing one product and enforces you to choose a product. There is also the case that an idea IS a new product. T...
Blair Young over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Link Ideas created in the Aha! Ideas portal back to ZenDesk tickets

We use ZenDesk as our internal ticketing system and Aha! for everything product related. We love the integration with these two products that allows us to take a ZenDesk ticket and create an Aha! idea. However, there are times that our Customers c...
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Filter options for the Idea Overview pie chart of ideas by status

We would like to be able to filter the pie chart by idea category as we have different people responsible for each idea category.
Charlene Brennan over 7 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

automatically notify idea subscribers of release name/number when an idea is promoted to a feature

when an idea is promoted to a feature on the product roadmap, it would be helpful if the system automatically sent a notification to all the idea subscribers letting them know which release name/# the feature was promoted into. Also, as an exten...
Michael Loiacono almost 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

obscenity filter from Ideas portal when public

If we were to open our ideas portal up to the public we would want an obscenity filter
Andrew Tipton almost 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Generate Epics from Idea's

The idea's we get from our stakeholders are usually very high level. It would be nice that we can create Epics from Idea's.
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists