This will allow us to see how many people have signed up to the portal, after we have added them as a user. Therefore being able to send reminders to users who aren't using.
You can access this information today. By going to Settings -> Account -> Configure ideas portals -> Portal users.
From this page, you can export the list of users to a CSV. This includes columns which indicate whether user has set their password. From here, you'll be able to identify people who have not create an account.
Hi Admin, please respond...
When we export the list it says all users have set their password, we know this isn't true.
We'd like to have this information to push users to the site
Thanks, however are you sure this is working? Apparently all 46 users have set a password, I find this hard to believe as the majority we're only added a day ago, and we only have 12 unique users according to Google Analytics!