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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-6902 Zendesk app: Connect to idea even when user has already voted.

Link Ideas created in the Aha! Ideas portal back to ZenDesk tickets

We use ZenDesk as our internal ticketing system and Aha! for everything product related.  We love the integration with these two products that allows us to take a ZenDesk ticket and create an Aha! idea.  However, there are times that our Customers create ideas in our Aha! portal for functionality we already have or provide.  

When this occurs we of course use our Aha! Ideas Portal to communicate that by creating a comment to that Customer and updating that idea to "Already Exists".  However, sometimes a comment back to this Customer isn't enough and we create for them a ZenDesk ticket to ensure that they are being connected to the correct team at our company to ensure their need is fully met.  

In this scenario, we are commenting back to the Customer on the Aha! Idea providing them the ZenDesk ticket number, but it would be nice once that ZenDesk ticket is created if we could still link it to that idea in Aha! even thought it's already technically been voted on simply due to that Customer having created the idea.

    Nov 11, 2016

    Thank you for the note. As you had mentioned, it's currently possible to communicate back to the customer directly through the idea comments, which will trigger an email notification to that customer. 

    With this current functionality in mind, and with our current priorities, we are unlikely to make additional updates in this specific area. We hope you can understand.