Our customers are sometimes not on the latest version of our software so we sometimes get asked when a feature or idea was implemented. One of them recently suggested that it would be nice to see a list of version numbers or at least the first version that the idea was implemented in next to an idea with status implemented in the idea portal.
Today I use the admin response for this purpose. I think that works well enough so I can´t say that this feature is desperately needed. However it would improve readability to have a dedicated public field for this purpose that the customer could look at at a glance.
It also opens up for the possibility of automatically displaying all ideas implemented in a certain version of the product using a separate filter similar to the status and category filters that are displayed in the idea portal today. Today we manage that through other published documents but it would definitely increase the value of the idea portal and the likelihood that customers would come back to it if they could also use it to answer their questions about what was implemented when.
In case you are contemplating this I would prefer if this version implemented field for ideas wasn´t directly tied to the versions of internal requirements because as you probably know the mapping between ideas and requirements isn´t always one-to-one.
This is possible today through the use of custom fields.
You can create an Ideas custom field for "Product version" and configure a custom field layout for your Ideas portal. This would allow you to show the Product version information in a structured manner for all ideas.
This is accessible via
Settings -> Account -> Custom fields
Settings -> Account -> Configure custom field layouts
You can learn more about it here: https://www.aha.io/support/roadmaps/strategic-roadmaps/customizations/custom-fields