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Academic Pricing

The structure of science funding makes it difficult to buy software, and nearly impossible to buy SAAS.Even where it might be possible, advisors simply refuse to pay. ("Just use google docs or something.")In the meantime, thousands of gradstudents...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Product 0 Unlikely to implement

way I can have a “check mark” next to my shipped items on the roadmap (custom view) rather than a green symbol that displays shipped

Easy on the eyes, Useful for internal and external partners to read and differentiate projects. No different from adding product status on roadmap, instead you get the option to add a symbol "check mark"
Guest almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Import requirements, one row per requirement

I do pre-planning in a spreadsheet, to get initial agreement on what the different features and requirements are. This takes the form of one row per Requirement, with a column to link each Requirement to a particular Feature. I would like to be ab...
Kevin Burges almost 7 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Allow Tags on requirements

I have many feature requirements that are different than those that are listed for the feature. Allowing tags against the requirement itself would allow for further categorization of the requirements
Guest almost 7 years ago in Features 1 Already exists

ability to limit scope/default scope of search

When I am searching for something it defaults to searching everything and the drop down box reflects as such. If I could set the scope of the default search for a product/product line the search results would be more relevant to what I am currentl...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Search 1 Unlikely to implement

Ability to limit the scope that is included when linking to other records/features /Initiatives

As an admin I have access to every project we have internally, so when I am actually creating features and I go to link to another record I end up getting the full list of every feature we have. I would like the to limit the scope, by being able t...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Ability to widen the column size on the Features Board

I have a lot of features in the parking lot, sometimes I have a lot of features in a release and want to see them all on the screen at once. If I could adjust the width of the columns and then have all of the features move and "tile" within the ad...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Features 3 Unlikely to implement

Enable updating users through import

As an Aha! Administrator, I would like to be able to manage user permissions by importing a file containing all of my preferences. This would be similar to how I can upload other data types, like features, in order to update various attributes by ...
Tom Beck almost 7 years ago in User management 0 Already exists

Ability to display external release date on portfolio roadmap report

Displaying the internal date is very helpful, but miscommunicates the expected release date for sales and marketing. By allowing me to choose which date I show, I can communicate the right information to the right stakeholder.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Already exists

"If Then Else" for Activity webhooks

We have Aha interacting with MS Teams for actions that occur on a product. Instead of spamming every activity that might change in status I may, for example, want to only send a status update on teh feature when it gets to certain phases (i.e. Rea...
Guest almost 7 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration