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To be able to easily move the features upwards in the User Story Map

When I work with the User Story Map (great tool by the way), I sometimes make mistakes. When that happens all my features ger scattered out in map height wise. Then it is a REALLY tedious work to collect them at the top level. There should be a w...
Guest over 5 years ago in User story map 2 Future consideration

Add the ability to archive notes

Our marketing workspace has been around for a few years, and it has quite a few notes that are no longer relevant. Currently we nest notes under an "Archive" note, but that is not an elegant solution because we have to move them one at a time. It ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Support revenue as an automated scorecard metric

Who would benefit? Customers with Salesforce integrations using Ideas Advanced currently can understand the revenue and value associated with each idea. This is typically used with prioritization, so adding this as an available automated scorecard...
Max Robbins over 1 year ago in Ideas 3 Future consideration

Allow for additional fields to be included when drafting release notes

Who would benefit? Technical Writers and consumers of product release notes What impact would it make? It allows us to include additional information beyond just a text summary of new features. How should it work? After selecting records to draft ...
John Gartner-Baca over 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Reorder filters in reports

What is the challenge? There is often an order of filters for a report that is logical, but that order can't be changed today. Oddly, you can even drag a filter in the Add Filters window but it can't be dropped anywhere What is the impact? Harder ...
Matt Kalan 10 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Convert a goal to an initiative and vice versa

Sometimes users realize that their initiatives are actually way bigger than what their company deems acceptable size for initiatives. It should be very easy to convert an initiative to a goal. If that initiative includes Epics (Master features), t...
Guest over 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Moving Dependent Items in Gantt

In the Gantt chart when we move one item which has dependency link with other items, ideally all those should move but that doesn't seems to be happening. Is that a feature missing and how soon can we have that? There could be multiple counter arg...
Guest over 3 years ago in Schedules 3 Future consideration

Strategyzer version of business model canvas template

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea
Guest 3 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Add Comment to Bulk Edit

It would be helpful to be able to add the same comment to multiple ideas at once. I use this to record when I have sent a group of ideas to a group or have done the same update to multiple ideas.
Guest about 7 years ago in Ideas 9 Future consideration

Allow bulk moving of reports

Reports often get created at the root level when first starting use of Aha but over time multiple users require different report folders. Then you need to move reports into those new folders. There is no bulk move feature so it is a lot of effort ...
Dave Tucker over 4 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration