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Allow roadmap features to be filtered by the critical path

Please can we have the ability to filter the Roadmap view by the critical path. I often get requests asking what are the 'must do's' and it would be great to be able to click one button to produce a gant chart with just the critical path features....
Alex Twigg over 7 years ago in Reports 6 Already exists

Colours for custom fields, especially record relationships

When creating custom fields for record relationships, these only are presented as plain grey links. It would be great if these links could be coloured - either by specifically choosing colours, or by programmtically setting colours like with tags....
Guest about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Allow user to be deleted through API

Currently user can be only disabled through API. however there is no way to delete users from the portal no matter if they are disabled or enabled. Please add Delete option in the api for the user object.
Guest over 7 years ago in User management 2 Unlikely to implement

Strategic Roadmap Editing and Response Time

Having difficulty ordering my Initiatives in priority order, would like the ability to just drag and drop in order. The lag time in updating the Initiative names and ordering them makes updating this page very difficult.
Guest about 1 year ago in Roadmaps 1 Already exists

Allow copying of AI generated text

When generating text using the awesome AI assistant, it would be great if I could copy the generated text and paste it elsewhere without having to commit to inserting the text first. This is helpful for quickly collaborating in tools like Slack to...
Madeleine Black about 1 year ago in Notes 0 Future consideration

Sort list reports by fields not visible

It would be helpful to be able to sort by columns that are not necessarily included as a column in the list report. This functionality is available in other report types as noted in
Dustin Ingram about 4 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

admin response - change label

We want to change the name "admin response" to something more personal. Right now is sounds like a machine has answered. How do we change it ?
Henning Gjellesvik over 8 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Support one-to-many custom table fields in interactive roadmaps / drill-in

I would like to show my one-to-many custom table fields in presentations and shared webpages with drill-in enabled.
Chrissi McNamara about 2 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Allow multiple primary record types (i.e. Features & Master Features) in list reports

I want to show a list of all features and some of those features have master features. It is redundant (especially for those with share the report with) for the children features to seemingly appear multiple times. This would be most useful for fe...
Dustin Ingram about 4 years ago in Reports 4 Unlikely to implement

Attach Files from a Google Drive Team Folder

As an organization, we use Team Drives in Google to manage it all and make sure everyone has access to all the files they need and we're not relying on someone to remember to share something with someone. Files in team drives don't appear to be at...
Guest about 4 years ago in Integrations 2 Future consideration