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Allow for the REST API to associate an idea vote to an organization

The REST API allows the ability to create ideas, votes, and organizations. However, it's not currently possible to associate a vote with an organization via the API. It would be helpful to associate an organization to an idea vote/endorsement via ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Organizational roles for users

In addition to user roles for permissions within Aha, it would be great if each user could also have a role within the organization of the workspace lists/workspaces. For example, our initiatives each of a senior leader. If we add a custom user fi...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Enable a group of users to be notified when a new Idea is entered on the portal by someone else - not the creator, the managers of the idea portal

When users enter a new idea, the only way we can find to see that a new idea was entered is to go to the idea portal. We would like Aha to notify a group of users that a new idea was entered by someone so we can review immediately.
Steve Podzamsky almost 3 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Update of the UI of Settings -> Integration Updates

When navigating to the Settings -> Integration Updates, users sometimes find confusion on this being a notification to take an action item and accidently import various records. I propose the UI be changed so the users do not think they have to...
Russell Glenn almost 3 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Update Demand/Capacity Terminology to eliminate confusion

Currently, throughout Aha! and in the documentation the term Capacity is used loosely to imply both Capacity or Demand. This is creating confusion amongst our users and we request that Aha! clarifies the terminology to distinguish between demand a...
Karla Johnson almost 3 years ago in Account settings / Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Allow selection of "Release" in the CSV Import file

Currently the "Import from CSV" functionality requires you to select a release before you select a file to upload. This creates a lot of overhead when importing a lot of Features of Epics that align with multiple Releases. Having the option to inc...
Karla Johnson almost 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Time bound idea votes

The ability to give customers a set number of votes that they can use each quarter or year. Using the functionality where votes can be configured such that users can apply multiple votes to a single idea or across multiple ideas. For example, cust...
Tanya Brusse almost 3 years ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Allow non-administrative (free) users to add open-ended info when responding to editable tag questions.

When sourcing info, tags are useful for creating consistency, by providing predefined responses. However, these are unable to capture responses that may diverge from the norm. We need to understand the norms but ALSO want to know when individuals ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Already exists

Default workspace/category in Ideas Portal when raising from a filtered list

Clicking "Add New Idea" from a URL that is already the Project/Workspace or Category should have those fields pre-populated in the form. This facilitates a quicker submission process and avoids any potential confusion for a user where they may not...
Andrew Brazel almost 3 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Allow complex filters based on tag combinations.

Often I need to show content that is tagged with a specific combination of tags, or based on the presence of one tag and the absence of another. (e.g. Tag A AND Tag B, or Tag A AND NOT Tag C, ...). Tag filters seem to be inherently OR operations (...
Brian Hemker almost 3 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration