When sourcing info, tags are useful for creating consistency, by providing predefined responses. However, these are unable to capture responses that may diverge from the norm. We need to understand the norms but ALSO want to know when individuals have unique responses that diverge from those norms. It would be helpful if the non-paying respondents could occasionally add open-ended (text-based) info to the end of the predefined tag list. (P.S. This is the "deal breaker" that is keeping me from using Ideas Advanced.)
It would become a "follow up question." If you are using a dynamic form, you could make it conditional. So for example, if they select "other" you could take them to a step to elaborate. This article explains more about adding custom fields and what is available.
Thanks, Austin. I was not aware of that. Can the custom note field be integrated into the tags field (my ideal), or does it essentially become a "follow up question?"
Thank you for your idea. It is currently possible to add a custom note field to your layouts. This is what many customers will do following a predefined tags field for capturing open ended responses. I'm curious if this is an option you considered or if it would not be suitable for your use case. Thanks!