Moving a feature from the workflow board to the prioritized backlog should automatically unassign it
Who would benefit? All product and develop teams What impact would it make? Ensure the prioritized backlog is tidy How should it work? Moving a feature from the workflow board to the prioritized backlog should automatically unassign it
It would be beneficial for the Product team to be able to share a view of initiatives in the workflow as it's the right level of information. The view can be added to a presentation but I'd love to share just a single page that folks can click to ...
Ryan Hutnick
about 2 years ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
Support Advanced Custom Layouts in workflows for requirements
Who would benefit? Product Managers and other roles managing requirements during the lifecycle of a product What impact would it make? In many cases (e.g. regulated products) once a requirement is formally approved, it cannot be updated unless it ...
about 1 year ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
Formatting issues with description with html tags for csv import
When importing my tickets into Aha Develop via the "import with csv" option, I have some issues with the formatting. With no formatting, the new line character "\n" is completely missing. (Please see no_space.png). If I try to replace the "\n" wit...
Ravisha G
almost 2 years ago
in Backlogs / Features
Future consideration
I was using the retrospective report this week for a few teams to see if there were issues worth talking about with stakeholders etc. What I found missing was the issue type. Not sure if that would be in alignment with the purpose of the report, b...
Jennifer Lange
about 1 year ago
in Agile reports / Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We want to use WIP Limits to accelerate delivery, but there is no way to do that on the Workflow views What is the impact? We have to count Epics/Features to see if we're exceeding our WIP limits Describe your idea Allow an ...
Lorena Connolly
8 months ago
in Workflow boards
Future consideration
When using Aha! Develop to track bugs I want to see specific fields that are only relevant for a Bug record. EX. Severity, date raised, reproduction steps etc. So that I can report on this specific subset of record types and their progress without...
Ian Cooper
over 2 years ago
in Backlogs / Features
Likely to implement