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Periodically refresh shared link and send It a distribution list automatically

I want to avoid leaving access to sensitive content wide open, so I would like to refresh the link to the Shared Report periodically and communicate it with the intended audience automatically. So, for instance, if every month the link got re-ge...
Daniel Hirschberg over 5 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Display Idea Reference ID on summary page

We use a custom status to place ideas into a "Stakeholder Questions" bucket for our portal users, and it works as an awesome filter. They like to use it to find specific tickets, though, too, so would find it valuable to see the Idea Reference ID ...
Marta Cooke over 5 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Overall Personal Account Settings for Feature Card Settings

As a user, I have a specific way I want to see the cards on feature boards. It doesn't make sense to me that the only options to customize these settings are on a board-by-board basis. For large organizations like ours, this means I have to set th...
Guest over 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Defect Portal

Create a portal capability, similar to ideas, that allows for the entry of defects(bug)
Guest over 5 years ago in  1 Already exists

Provide a way to lock/freeze the Feature Board and Releases so only the Product Owner can change them?

It would be helpful if there was a way to lock/freeze the Feature Board and and at least the Release Content so only the Product Owner can change it. Our Platform has very granular Role specifications for example
Bill Dykas about 8 years ago in Releases 3 Already exists

"View only" user fields in Portal

As a product owner with external stakeholders, we all love our ideas portal as a communication tool; the stakeholders can submit and see that we are working their ideas/bugs/etc without falling in an email pit and getting lost forever. We have ad...
Marta Cooke over 5 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Already exists

More Access to To To-dos

It seems to-dos are treated as an after-thought in the overall navigation design of Aha! I would like to see a separate menu item for accessing and reporting on To-dos. Currently, I have to create a list report in the Roadmaps section, and that's ...
Guest over 5 years ago in To-dos 1 Unlikely to implement

Option to populate capacity estimates with members of a team when you select a team

We would like the team members to auto-populate (if that's your choice) when you select a team for an advanced estimate. At the moment when you select a team you then have to select the individual members one by one.
Jason Hollis over 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Ability to have a mix of team member and team estimates in capacity planning

When we are less certain about a future project, we add capacity at the team level. As we know more, or as team members roll into the project, we add individual capacities. At the moment you can't have team (header level) and member (child level) ...
Jason Hollis over 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Checkbox (multi-select) for selecting team members in capacity estimates

When we set capacity estimates, we want to select the team members assigned to the initiative. At the moment you have to select them one by one. The ability to select multiple at once would save us a lot of time. ** We currently go to a bit of an ...
Jason Hollis over 2 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration