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Ability to set up automation to accept work requests

What is the challenge? There are cases for some of our teams where a work request should always be accepted and always create an epic. What is the impact? Non-value add steps are required to watch for and accept work requests. Describe your idea
Guest 29 days ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

As a to-do assignee, let me optionally set a status to indicate progress

What is the challenge? I sometimes get assigned to-dos that are time consuming tasks that may take a few hours of time to finish spread over a few days. Currently, I have no way to indicate that I have begun work on the to-do other than adding a m...
Todd Meyer 4 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Ability to add watchers to to-do items

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea
Justin B about 1 month ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Importing issues with date.

What is the challenge? Excel, to my knowledge and based on research, does not store cell formatting, so when I ensure a date is in YYYY-MM-DD format and save the .csv file, it will revert back to original formatting. What is the impact? Incorrect ...
Justin B about 1 month ago in To-dos 0 Already exists

Allow all approvers to respond to a to-do regardless if someone already "rejects"

What is the challenge? When a to-do is assigned to multiple approvers, if the first approver rejects the to-do, the remaining approvers are unable to respond to the to-do. What is the impact? The remaining approvers do not have the option to provi...
Dominique Tjondro 5 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Allow ad hoc approval to-dos to be set to all users in an approval group

What is the challenge? Ad hoc approval to-dos that are not part of a status transition cannot be set to all users in an approval group. It is current set to Any. This defeats the purpose for having an approval group that requires all approvers' co...
Terence Osmeña 8 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Allow custom due date options for to-do automation actions

Who would benefit? Users who are looking to automate the creation of to-dos, approvals or work requests What impact would it make? Allow more flexibility in to-do creation How should it work? Similar to how we can select the custom date option whe...
Kristina Gass over 1 year ago in To-dos 3 Future consideration

Standardize how approval groups are applied via workflow updates vs ad hoc approvals

When an approval group is set for an approval via a workflow status update, the individuals in that group are assigned to the approval. When an approval is created on a record ad-hoc, the full group is assigned to the record instead, which is the ...
Maria Plotkina about 1 month ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Add a TO-DOS icon on the card layout

What is the challenge? User has to go into the card details to check if there are any TO-DOS. What is the impact? Adding an icon on the card layout that will display the number of TO-DOS for that feature will have a time saving impact. Describe yo...
Guest 11 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Select the specific days of the week for recurring to-dos

What is the challenge? If I have a recurring task weekly, but only on certain days of the week, there is no option to mark a to-do just for specific days of the week. What is the impact? Describe your idea When a user selects weekly allow them to ...
Justin B about 2 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration