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A way to execute saved queries, or use a query language (such as the filter options in the web UI) with REST

This would allow users of the integration to narrow down the scope of items being retrieved to improve performance and create less unnecessary traffic on the Aha! repository.
Guest about 5 years ago in Integrations 0 Unlikely to implement

Functionality to submit time tracking events for users other than the currently logged in user using REST.

This would allow a user with sufficient permission that is running the integration to submit values on behalf of other users.
Guest about 5 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

A way to retrieve the list of workflow states for an item type, and which transitions are allowed between states using REST.

This would allow an integration to map state transitions between systems and to know what the allowed next statuses for an item are.
Guest about 5 years ago in Integrations 1 Already exists

A way to retrieve all the fields, including custom fields, and metadata for an item type (eg. Feature) using REST.

Field information would ideally include the type of the field (string, number, drop down, etc.), and properties such as if it is a required field or read only field. This would allow the integration to know what fields are available when creating,...
Guest about 5 years ago in Integrations 1 Unlikely to implement

The ability to retrieve options for single/multi selects using REST

When updating an item via the REST API it would be good to know what the possible values are for single/multi selects. This would also allow mapping the options to options in another system in an Aha! integration.
Guest about 5 years ago in Integrations 1 Already exists

Complete Auto Import Functionality -- not just children of existing linked records

This is regarding the JIRA integration feature: Automatically Import New Records: Records will be imported automatically to Aha! from Jira. This applies to records which are created as children of previously linked initiatives, releases, mast...
Guest about 5 years ago in Jira 5 Future consideration

Rest services for metadata validation

For developing systems that integrate with Aha. It would be really useful to query the Rest services for a particular Aha object to determine what fields are required to create or update that object. That way validation can be performed programma...
Tim McCaskill about 5 years ago in Integrations 1 Future consideration

Integration Queue alerts

As part of system health monitoring we want to be able to monitor integration queues, so that if an issue does occur around data-synchronisation then we can alert an appropriate aha administrator to investigate and fix before the issue becomes wid...
Guest about 5 years ago in Integrations 1 Future consideration

Integration with HubSpot CRM

Our Sales and Support teams use HubSpot CRM for all of their daily operations. I would love to have the same two-way sync that is provided for Salesforce within HubSpot. Essentially, the ability to associate contacts to ideas within HubSpot
Guest about 5 years ago in Ideas / Integrations 12 Future consideration

Improved error message on incorrect JIRA record type link

Using the JIRA 2.0 integration, if you try to link to an existing record type that is not mapped in the integration config, the error message is very unhelpful. It just says "system error - contact Aha support if this persists" (or something like ...
Mat Wood about 5 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration