In Pivot Reports we can display roll-up initiatives and initiatives - awesome. But sorting...
I use a pivot report for reporting out on the progress of Roll-up Initiatives Initiatives Epics Features are my cells This is very nice. I note that we end up using the Initiative and refer indriectly to the Roll-Up-Initiative name as a field. The...
Joseph Flynn
about 4 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Include a default Initiative column for Initiative URL
Ideas and Epics artifacts have default columns for the Idea or Epic URL. This idea is to provide the same for Initiatives in Aha.
There are reporting scenarios where sending direct URL links to Aha artifacts is desirable for concise communicatio...
about 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Show the remaining effort value rather than cancelling it when a JIRA ticket is resolved and Aha! ticket gets updated to Ready to ship. It helps in effort planning for future similar tasks
Once a JIRA ticket is resolved and the Aha! ticket status changes to "Ready to Ship", currently, the remaining effort defaults to zero value. It is kind of confusing when doing effort planning for the current sprint and we lose valuable informatio...
about 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Ability to add a report directly to a note from the report view
It would be helpful to be able to use the "share" menu to add a report to a note from the report view — versus having to go back to the note and find it there. I was creating some reports to add to a team meeting agenda and it ended up taking...
Molly Jane Quinn
about 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Don't Group By Filters when the field isn't in the Report
When you add filters to a report like "Goals" and a feature is associated with more than 1 goal it duplicates the lines in the report. However, when the field that you are filtering on is NOT in the data set it shouldn't be grouping by this field ...
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Will not implement
Reports - Ability to display Feature Last Comment Only (this option is available with Release comments but not Feature comments)
This would be beneficial for running stakeholder reports, status touchpoint meeting facilitation, etc. To display the entire comment history is much too long and cumbersome for inclusion in a report.
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
I would like to have a report (timeline or pivot) that includes selected features. There are some features, such as technical debt, that don't add value to the display for upper management so I'd like to limit to those that reflect major functiona...
Aldon C
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Ability to order timeline report items by rank/score/custom/etc
I'm making a timeline report and right now it orders initiatives by the due date, which makes sense. Whichever date is coming up next is the initiatives that sits at the top. However, that doesn't mean it's always the most important on our list of...
Jaclyn Fine
over 8 years ago
in Reports
Already exists