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Add the capability to allow users to remove their PI data (ie email and name) from the ideas portal profile, while maintaining the ideas they submitted

Due to various EU data privacy laws, many companies need the ability to have users 'be forgotten' from systems. Ideally, this should be done in a self-service manner by the user (as they see it as critical to them). Today, it requires the user to...
Kevin O'Connor over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Promoting an Idea to Feature, Master Feature, Initiative should carry over many-to-many custom field values like other custom field types

Just like Custom field values will transfer from ideas to Feature/Master Features/Initiatives when promoted assuming a custom field with the same Key name exists in both, the same should occur with many to many custom fields as well. My use case i...
Matt Case over 7 years ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

Tag implemented ideas with product version

Our customers are sometimes not on the latest version of our software so we sometimes get asked when a feature or idea was implemented. One of them recently suggested that it would be nice to see a list of version numbers or at least the first ver...
Tobias Lehtipalo over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Already exists

Have area where the idea card says which portal it's from

I have multiple ideas portals and don't often know where the idea originated from
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Add an idea with no product associated with it or multiple products

More than half of our ideas span more than one product. An example is localization in a certain language. The tool restricts you to choosing one product and enforces you to choose a product. There is also the case that an idea IS a new product. T...
Blair Young over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Can we get Aha Group Role Based Security in Idea Portals?

Portal 'Security Groups Access' assigned to a Role (where Users can only see their Role/Security Group) would allow work associated with Specific Security Groups across products (albeit via different Idea Portals per product), and restrict Users f...
Mike Jacobson over 7 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

When an idea has been promoted to an Initiative, allow the initiative status to drive the idea status.

Similar to how when an idea is promoted to a feature, the feature status can drive the idea status in the portal. Allow a similar status mapping to exist between initiatives and ideas.
Justin Woods over 7 years ago in Ideas 4 Already exists

Link requirements back to ideas

If I promote an idea to a feature then convert the feature to a requirement on another feature, there's no reference to any of that on the source idea (it's just marked as 'planned'). This is how I'd actually like the 'link to feature' feature to...
James Rutherford over 7 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

Grid edit features, ideas, initiatives

When we go through planning cycles, we find ourselves updating a dozen fields for each idea or each potential initiative to help in prioritization. Our team still tend to do this in Google Sheets / Excel, because it's much faster to make the edits...
Jonathan Berg over 7 years ago in Ideas 3 Future consideration

Link Ideas created in the Aha! Ideas portal back to ZenDesk tickets

We use ZenDesk as our internal ticketing system and Aha! for everything product related. We love the integration with these two products that allows us to take a ZenDesk ticket and create an Aha! idea. However, there are times that our Customers c...
Guest over 7 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement