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release calendar - configure which date builds the calendar

Today the release calendar is built on due dates, but we would like to be able to use different dates to build out our calendars. For example, we track dates for code complete, early access programs, and market launch. It would be great to build a...
Veronica Melin almost 2 years ago in Calendar 0 Future consideration

Improve Login Experience

NONE OF THE CATEGORIES APPLIES, SO I SELECTED THE LAST ONE I'd like to share my login experience. Maybe it can be used to improve it. Expected Go to Click Login. This should result in a screen that allows me to login using credentials, or w...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

Burndown chart legend

As a PM, I need to have a legend on the Burndown/Progress Chart. I can't remember what the colors mean. And I have to have the link to the Help Page bookmarked on our Overview page to share with others.
Pamela Thomas over 3 years ago in Schedules 0 Future consideration

Global setting to turn off attachments

Our company works with sensitive data and we would like to globally shut off the ability to add attachments. In order to meet security requirements, we have quarterly auditing of attachments in addition to coaching users to insert an SSO protected...
Cindy Datlof over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

new feature creation (copy an existing), like for releases

I like the possibility to copy existing releases, when I create a new release for another product. I can imagine, that it would help many AHA users, including me.
Tobias Michels over 3 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

Predefined choice list. - item color

Hello, I have created custom fields with type Predefined choice list.I want to allocate a color to each item of the list just the same way you can do it for tags. Is it possible?If yes, would like to understand how to do this?If no, is it plan i...
Guest about 9 years ago in Account settings 2 Already exists

Retrospectively apply idea vote limits to portal members who have already voted on large numbers of ideas

We have an existing idea portal with over a hundred ideas posted in it. We'd like to leverage the new functionality to allocate votes to our portal members. The problem is that our members that have been actively voting on ideas would have to remo...
Justin Woods about 7 years ago in Ideas 3 Unlikely to implement

Customize cards on the details view

Challenge: I love that you can customize the cards on the features board to align with how your team works. However, when I then view a details page, the card is not customized in the same way. Desired experience: I would love to be able to custom...
Julie Price over 3 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Ability to assign more than one person to a feature

Ability to assign more than one person to a feature would be helpful since often there are multiple people working on a project / feature, so it would be easier for other people to see who's responsible for a feature, and easier for each of the as...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Features 1 Unlikely to implement

Add ability to display a release description/note on the release plan gantt

Would really like to be able to include a brief descriptor or note within the gantt release plan - specifically for presentations and interdepartmental communication, the release name does not give enough description for most people to properly di...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Releases 1 Already exists