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Customer-specific Ideas Portal (or portals with applied filters)

I would like to be able create an Ideas Portal for a specific customer or set of customers (e.g. Beta Testers).  This portal would need additional filtering options, such that only Ideas which meet the filter criteria are displayed.  Example criteria would include:

  • portal users (e.g. only show Ideas created by a portal user)
  • custom field (we have a field for customer name)

This may also require the ability to filter Ideas in the other portals.

As a specific use case, I want to give Customer X (with 5 named portal users) access to a portal where they can see their submitted ideas, including "customer impact" and the name of their colleague who submitted the idea.  However, I do not want these Ideas (submitted by Customer X) displayed in my general customer Ideas Portal.

I can get part-way to what I need with the partner portal settings, but it only works for one customer.  If I have a second customer where I want to provide this capability, they each would see each other's ideas.

    Nov 14, 2023

    You can now set your ideas to a new portal visibility option, "Visible to creator, their organization, and our employees." Since this uses the "Organizations" capability of Ideas Advanced, it is included as part of that plan. There are also other visibility options available with all plans, to make sure that only the right people can see each idea. And you only have to manage one portal! Learn more.

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    • Jeff Champagne
      Apr 16, 2020

      We have this exact same need and the workaround isn't really great.
      I've created a similar request here: