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Showing 9208 of 9208

Tracking what ideas I have viewed in the portal

I like to be able to vote on ideas but it is hard to keep track of ideas that I haven't voted for yet. Currently there are plenty of wonderful filters and ordering mechanisms. However, the only personal filters are 'My ideas' and 'My votes'. When ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration

Allow multiple score cards per product

In my product I have different features that we use different score cards to evaluate the importance. E.g. Developing content from developing a platform feature. I would like to be able to choose which scorecard to use with each feature. I realize...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Features 4 Already exists

Recompute or Re-sync logged story points (time) in a release.

A button, when pushed, would recompute the work done and work remaining in a release, based on the current status of feature or requirements within the release. Presently, Aha's computation of work done is automatic and event-based, i.e., It happe...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration

Support Cost as an Estimate for Capacity Planning

Our business strategy team receives cost estimates instead of story points and time. Since story points and hourly pay rate can vary across different teams working on the same features, being able to see how cost estimates roll up from features to...
Lan Nguyen almost 2 years ago in Capacity planning 2 Already exists

Add ability to set Update Frequency for an entire presentation

This would be beneficial for those who create large presentation reports from other pages in the Aha program. It is cumbersome to check each individual slide to ensure that the Update Frequency is set correctly or change it if necessary and it wou...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Presentations 1 Future consideration

Role permission template that can be attached to users

It would be great to predefine a permission template and save it. Each time a user comes in, we dont have to select the permissions for the user to various workspaces but instead just attach the permission template. Will save a lot of time and avo...
Arun Kalyanaraman almost 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Update fields on lists without refresh

Today when I update a record, list values don't change like they do on the Features board. It would be nice to have it automatically updated.
Tomer almost 4 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

When deleting an idea on the list page, stay on the list page instead of going to the overview page

When deleting an idea on the list page, stay on the list page instead of going to the overview page. It is very annoying when we are filtering our ideas list and going through 50 ideas/bugs and have to delete 25 of them
Guest almost 10 years ago in Ideas 2 Already exists

Allow sub-release names to sort on both release name and product name.

The issue was discussed with Aha Support under Useful to consumers of Release-related reports at all levels (including C-Suite). Problem: We name all of our releases with just the release number (e.g. 2019...
Alex B almost 6 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow multiple people (like admins) to edit a report

Editing permissions are currently based on memberships in a product, there is no option to control them by individual users. In a situation when we have a critical report that we do not want everyone that is part of a product to edit, the only oth...
Tibi Duka-Kispal almost 6 years ago in Reports 0 Already exists