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Display release contents as a slide presentation

I would like to be able to present the contents of a release to stakeholders and customers with graphics and text so that I can replace Powerpoint and eliminate redundant storage of release content. Currently, we store release themes, features/req...
Guest over 9 years ago in Presentations 1 Already exists

Cannot see scroll bar in notebook view unless you scroll to the bottom.

when previewing feature lists in the notebooks you cannot tell there is a bottom scroll bar unless you are scrolled to the bottom of the preview
J. Mile over 9 years ago in Presentations 0 Unlikely to implement

Enhanced Notebook Security on a Per Product or Per Notebook Basis

It would be really nice if we could override the global enhanced notebook security setting, or better yet have global admins toggle whether the global setting can be overridden, on a per product or per notebook level. I've got some products tha...
Guest over 9 years ago in Presentations 0 Already exists

Add scorecard data to a notebook

I want our PMs to be transparent. When we publish a roadmap (list of features) for a release to our internal teams (sales, marketing, etc.) we often get the "why isn't feature X on the list?" I would like to add scorecard data to the notebook (as ...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Presentations 0 Already exists

Notebook Live View - no back button

If a page in a notebook is in "Live View" mode, if you click on any item in the notebook webpage you get the live page it came from, but there is no way of returning to the notebook snapshot. If you navigate through the notebook the live view stil...
Alejandro Blaas almost 10 years ago in Presentations 2 Will not implement

Feature URL should be clickable in the feature list in notebook view

Why isn't the feature url clickable in the notebook in the feature list view? This means people have to copy and paste it out to look at it. Same for the idea list view.
J. Mile almost 10 years ago in Presentations 4 Will not implement

Notebook names

Notebooks created by user should be rename-able.
Guest almost 10 years ago in Presentations 3 Already exists

Ability to include "Comments" under Initiatives in the presentation

When exporting the Initiatives Descriptions to the presentation, it would be helpful to flag some Comments to be included in the export. This would be extremely helpful and would serve as supplemental data to the Progress Status Indicator (At Risk...
Michael McClellan almost 10 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration

Page list and search function in web notebook

It would be nice to have a menu item in the web notebook containing the page list. Also searching within the notebook should be nice, but perhaps less important when my customer can easily pick a page from the list. At this moment a user have t...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Presentations 3 Already exists

Notebook attachments should fit page orientation

Attached images print very small. Print them as large as possible to fit page orientation.
Suzanne Vaughan about 10 years ago in Presentations 3 Already exists