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Edit Field Names in Pivot View

Can we edit field names when building a pivot table the same way we can edit them in List view? The List report builder has a lovely rename function that I use frequently when field names become long and cumbersome. However, when I build Pivot tab...
Guest over 2 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Reports - Calculated columns to track changes to Field names

Currently, if you create a calculated column in a report, you can select fields from a picklist and use them in the equation. However, if there is a change to the field's name (for example 'Budget' > 'Budget (assumed)', then the calculation bre...
David Burrows over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add ability to filter by Color

Right now I can not filter by the project field Color. We use this field to flag our projects and it is very visible if someone makes a mistake. Right now I have a report per color but I have to use the tags but if a team member forgets or types i...
Guest over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add an "is not blank" filter to the "Roll up to initiative" reporting field

We want to be able to report on initiatives that are child initiatives of other parent initiatives. Currently you can list these down but cannot filter only those that are child initiatives. Having an
Dave Tucker over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Capacity report - View per week

Currently the Capacity report provide a view per Month. If we need to have a smaller view in order to see the workload it would be useful to have the possibility to see it per week.
Guest over 3 years ago in Capacity planning / Reports 0 Future consideration

Custom comments field for status updates

For recurring status meeting reports, need the ability to provide some commentary on the latest status. These notes are updated regularly, but need to retain the history of previous status notes. A custom notes field that is regularly updated does...
Bonnie Trei over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Filter Comments by User or Date

Is there a way to run a report that shows comments by a specific user or comments by a date range? The circumstance that I am trying to account for are new unread comments that I need to go read and possibly reply to. Currently, I am relying upon ...
Guest over 8 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Allow Custom Defaults in Charts

As a user, I'd like to be able to set the colors in the "Default" section of the Chart configuration screen to align with my company's style guide. This way, when I create a chart I don't need to manually update the colors every time - they will a...
Guest about 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow sum or other operations on fields with null values

In Excel or airtable, I can create an equation that allows me to sum or run other operations on a series of data that may include null values. Those null values are simply skipped. In Aha! if any field I use contains a null value, the entire equat...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Color Pivot tables & reports by multiple factors

Currently you can color code reports by a single critera, depending on where that criteria is on the table, that might not have the desired effect, so I would like the ability to color code by more then on criteria, so 1 may color code the axis, a...
Jesse Stein over 8 years ago in Reports 2 Unlikely to implement