Is there a way to run a report that shows comments by a specific user or comments by a date range? The circumstance that I am trying to account for are new unread comments that I need to go read and possibly reply to. Currently, I am relying upon inbox notifications for new comments and I am hoping to manage all comments directly in Aha!
Thank you for the request.
One way to handle this would be to leverage the Home -> Activity page.
From here, you can filter on products, users and time frame. Note that this would show all activity by specific users (not just comments), but could help to focus in on specific activity.
Note that there is a separate request for in-app notifications which is current marked as Likely to implement:
At this time, we don't have near-term plans for updates in this specific area based on current priorities and the amount of effort involved. We hope you can understand.
What about filtering by whether it was an ADMIN user type? I feel like the problem is you want to get to a Dashboard of all your work -- you want to filter out ideas where the last public comment was made by an ADMIN and only see where a requester has commented most recently.