Option to shift the display order of Parking Lot Releases in the Reports -> Pivot view
In the new Reports Pivot, it is possible to add parking lot "releases" but when displayed in conjunction with other releases, the Parking Lot release shows up in the leftmost column.
The request is for the ability to customize the order and have t...
Matt Case
over 9 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Make it harder to accidentally delete release phase dependencies in "release detailed" view
I am constantly clicking the red x and deleting release phase dependencies when I go to change the length of a phase. I have no idea how many times I've done this, basically 90% of the time that I adjust the length of a release phase. There were a...
Eva Humphrey
over 9 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
I want to suggest for Aha to allow a way for people to create distribution groups that can be used when creating To-Dos Example, opposed to me adding a person name one by one, can I create a group to include all of those names?
over 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Custom tags are a powerful feature. for reasons I'm confident you're aware of. However, once you create a custom tag field, say "PM_Ideas", there is not the ability to edit or delete the tag value. This is very limiting in such key ways as 1) Once...
Right now custom scorecards can be assigned only at the workspace lvl, which does not really allow for changing priorities and weightings. Worse, if we do change any fundamental portion of a scorecard, it will mass update everything in that worksp...
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Reporting on release phases/milestones comment field should only show the entered comment
When reporting release phase (or milestone) comment, the user who entered the comment and the date the comment was entered is included. Desire to see ONLY the comment in reports and NOT the "log" associated with the comment. Perhaps a second field...
Dawn Milbut
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Watch changes in a workspace, but Releases OR Features only, not everything.
Currently I can watch at a workspace level, but it is overwhelming with the number of features being added. I would like to only be notified for changes happening on release timeline (phases and milestones). I don't really care about new or modifi...
over 4 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
The platform I manage has a wide range of stakeholders. Not every release is relevant to everyone one (some are internal). I would therefore like to restrict who gets what information so it des not confuse people. I am not sure that preventing the...
Under Features, on the workflow, it would be nice to get the some totals for the features under each category (in- design, ready-to-develop etc)
The totals would be;
Number of features
Total number of story points for all the features
over 9 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement