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Don't separate username and password input fields

As more people use password management apps like 1Password, it's super annoying to not have a way to input both username (email) and password at the same time using the quick login button since you guys separate each field by a mouse click. I gue...
Jake Spirek over 8 years ago in Ideas 6 Unlikely to implement

Adding a BUG: Including "Add a bug" button to backlog view (in Roadmaps & Develop)

The current method of adding a "feature" and marking it as a "bug fix" is really confusing: It has a feature name and url It has a feature Icon This is done so much easier and clearer in Jira, we really need it here.
Eitan Hakak about 2 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Support the creation of a table of data within Aha! without knowing which types of data records each element is yet

Sometimes I know what information I would like to store and report on within Aha! but I am not sure which record types they are yet. I would like to be able to visually format a table of information, and create the relationships between each befor...
Deirdre Clarke over 4 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Concatenate Fields in Reporting

It will be very helpful to concatenate the fields in pivot tables so that we can see multiple fields in one column. Example : Initiative name and Description in one column delimited by a '|'
Sasi Ravichandar over 4 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Use Crunchbase to add Competitor Info

With current competitor info in Aha!, information entered is static and based on manual hit-and-miss research. It would be VERY cool if I could go into Aha and import competitor info from a source such as Crunchbase (which has their own API for do...
Guest over 4 years ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Tool Tip or description field for the scorecard elements

When creating a scorecard, we'd like to provide a description of the values or attributes within the scorecard. For example, if the attribute is "size", we'd like to be able to say that small means less than 1 week, large is greater than 1 month.
Guest over 4 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Able to create a custom roadmap containing initiatives from each level of a 3 tiered product hierarchy

Given that I have a 3 tiered product hierarchy (Grandparent Product Line > Parent Product Line > Child Product) And I have initiatives at the product level which roll up to initiatives at the Parent Level, which roll up to initiatives at th...
Guest over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Merge Aha! Instances

As an Aha! Administrator, I would like to combine two Aha! instances for mergers and acquisitions that also utilize Aha!. Similarly, we need to be able to divest portions of our Aha! Workspaces to their own Aha! Instance as they are removed from o...
Guest about 2 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement

Filter Calendar report by release and/or release phase

Todos are a great way of capturing the meta work that needs to be performed within a release. Currently todos can be created at the release level and also at the release phase level too. It would be great if there was a way to filter by release th...
Justin Woods over 6 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Expand idea chart

When you have lots of ideas on the Ideas Chart it can become unreadable, especially where there are clusters of ideas. It would be helpful to get a bigger chart, or to be able to zoom in on areas of the chart.
Jonathan Berg over 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement