Add a filter for 'Access from' in Menu: Info > Workspace Users
The issue is that we have hundreds of users 'inheriting' access to product workspaces and it would be nice to filter down to see who has access to the product only. We need to be able to filter for 'Access from' in Menu: Info > Workspace Users
Mike Jacobson
over 3 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Hide or Remove name/date stamp on Strategic Report Initiative Comments
On the Strategic Report - when you add the initiatives comments column, the system displays the Initiative Name, User Name and Date prior to the actual comment, which clutters up the report. I'd like that to not display - and only the actual comme...
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
Export one slide (or a subset of slides) of a larger Aha! presentation
Who would benefit? This would be helpful for all Product Managers What impact would it make? Cleaner organization in presentations and not needing to create multiple presentations with different slide(s) How should it work? When downloading you ca...
Paiton Swaim
about 1 year ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Record Links: Ability to paste link when creating a relationship
It would be helpful to be able to paste the URL to a record when creating a relationship between features etc. Currently we have to type in the record number.
Jennifer Lange
over 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Presentation Snapshot - Mass Edit Update Frequency
In our workflows, there are frequent needs to mass edit update frequency on all slides of a presentation. It is very inconvenient of having to do this slide by slide all the time. For the record out of hundreds of the presentations that we do have...
Alex B
almost 5 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Would you consider adding the Capacity planning for Parking lot as well? The section is there, but it is missing the link to set a capacity and the capacity status bar showing work remaining etc. So since the parking lot is basically a copy of the...
Sometimes you do not want the idea portal logo to show at the top of the emails that users receive. Allow an option to hide the logo so that it will not be included in the email
almost 5 years ago
in Branding
Future consideration
When moving a phase or feature within a gantt chart, the system currently allows for the the dependent (child) phases/features to stay in the timeline as they currently are, but highlights the dependency in red. However, this does not show the imp...
Don Fifer
almost 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration