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Capacity for teams: Update time-based estimate as record timeframe changes

Setting people estimates and then visualizing a report by people per month is a key capability in estimating team capacity and the ability to execute on a roadmap. When capacity for a team is exceeded, there are usually two recourses: Assign the i...
Gianmarco Spiga about 3 years ago in Application 3 Future consideration

Competitor Pricing field needs to allow text formatting & file attachment

Pricing field is currently treated as a simple single line entry and can't be used to explain complex pricing models or attachment of pricing schedules for reference.
Guest about 3 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Ability to create a capacity scenario from an existing scenario or master view

Looking at using the capacity scenario planning, I think it would be ideal if you could start a scenario quickly to determine if it has legs. The current workflow means you have to start from scratch i.e. no values on any initiatives or features w...
Abu Salim about 3 years ago in Application 1 Future consideration

When creating a pivot report, I want the ability to consolidate data into one column so that it save me time in reducing column widths and makes the report more readable

Specifically, I would like to add the progress bar for a release to the release name. This will save valuable real estate on the report, and would save me manually moving column widths etc
Andrew Brooks about 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Headers and Footers to List Reports

Have the ability to add headers and footers to list reports.
Guest about 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Dependency report: Add extra types to Primary Record

For instance, when the Primary record type is Epic, being able to show end date of the Milestone it is in
Keith Mantell about 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ignoring blanks or text in pivot avg calculations

Currently when using the "Within cells list as" average values in a pivot table, the tool seems to treat blanks and text like "N/A" as zeros, which drastically reduces the Avg. Specific use case for context: As a product manager, I want to underst...
Reut Levi about 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add "Release Date (external)" on the release create template

When our product owners schedule a long term release, the only option on the create field is to choose a hard release date, which makes them nervous. I would like to provide the "Release Date (external)" field upon create so they can choose the qu...
Nadim Sobhani about 3 years ago in Schedules 0 Future consideration

grouping personas

In my organization we have over 70+ personas listed in Aha workspace. With that many personas in strategic personas list (left panel), it is difficult to sort through persona inventory. Would be nice to be able to group like personas (like an arch...
Guest about 3 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Accessing a Presentation

I have a user who has identified a presentation that is currently owned by a user who has left our company. I am able to take over the presentations, but the link provided doesn’t indicate which presentation name should be opened. The user who has...
Guest about 3 years ago in Presentations 0 Future consideration