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Status Future consideration
Categories Application
Created by Gianmarco Spiga
Created on Apr 30, 2021

Capacity for teams: Update time-based estimate as record timeframe changes

Setting people estimates and then visualizing a report by people per month is a key capability in estimating team capacity and the ability to execute on a roadmap. When capacity for a team is exceeded, there are usually two recourses:

  • Assign the item (initiative/epic/feature) to a different team, as shown here,

  • Reschedule one or more of the items overloading the team to a later date. This latter is method is far more common, as an organization might not have another team it can push that feature to.

RIght now, rescheduling is poorly served by capacity planning for teams, as one needs not only to change the start/end dates on the item itself, but also to manually update the advanced capacity estimate.

For example, if I want to reschedule the initiative shown in picture 3 months later, I will have to manually transpose all values before my capacity estimates make sense. This process:

  • Is prone to errors, especially with longer items that have varying loads

  • Is extremely time consuming when "playing tetris" with multiple items

As a minor note: If the item I'm estimating has a 3 month duration (e.g. Mar 1 - May 31) it seems counterintuitive to be able to add people estimates for February or July, as the item will not have started or will have finished.

Suggested Solutions:

  1. Filter the capacity estimates by the item's duration. E.g. an initiative lasting 3 months should only show me 3 monthly capacity inputs per team

  2. Convert capacity estimates "by time" to relative times. E.g. Month 1, Month 2, Month 3. This better reflects the fact that items can be shifted in time to fit capacity.

  3. Whenever an initiative is shifted in time, shift the corresponding capacity estimate by an equivalent amount. Note that this is a natural consequence of the approach described in (2)

Pain assesment:

  • Without this feature, capacity planning for teams is next to no use, as we have next to no ability to act on the report's findings (or at least without great pain). I ended up having to build a worksheet in excel to deal with this issue, but this leaves me wondering why I pay for an Enterprise+ plan.


  • Having this feature could easily put you in the running to compete with tools like MS Project and Smartsheets, at least as far as the needs of a product manager are concerned (i.e. recommending hiring plans, estimating execution capability and bottlenecks at a high level).

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  • Vitalii Dubonos
    Sep 13, 2023

    Wow, this Idea was created two years ago... I mean, this is a pretty long time to make a decision about it...

  • Sarah Charlebois
    Aug 16, 2022

    This is a problem and pain point for our company as well as we try to roll out capacity planning. It's tedius to have to manually keep dates aligned and it's error proned and the big rub is that if it's not perfect then your capacity planning report is wrong. It seems the simple fixes suggested would solve a lot of problems with making capacity planning a reality.

  • Sarah Charlebois
    Aug 16, 2022

    I love this!

  • +7

Allow capacity planning estimates to determine start / end dates

When we add advanced estimates against a feature or an initaitive, inputting the estimate of resources required per team (and per month, in some scenarios), Aha! does not have a way of automatically calculating the start/end date of the records ba...
Madeleine Black over 3 years ago in Capacity planning / Features 0 Future consideration

Add an option to sync "Team by Time" estimates with record duration

It would be good to enable linkage between the resource allocations over time and the duration. For example for Duration – if there was an option to “Copy from “Monthly people by team estimate” (in addition to the current “Copy from record” and “E...
Guest almost 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration