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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-10774 Capacity for teams: Update time-based estimate as record timeframe changes.

Add an option to sync "Team by Time" estimates with record duration

It would be good to enable linkage between the resource allocations over time and the duration. For example for Duration – if there was an option to “Copy from “Monthly people by team estimate” (in addition to the current “Copy from record” and “Enter manually”). We are seeing many people having issues where the duration is separate field from the resourcing and in capacity planning view the duration is required and anomalies happen when they are out of sync. Would be good to tie these together.

a. Ideal case: Ability to adjust program times from the capacity or Gannt view. For example drag the schedule for a program left/right and the duration & resources are tied together and move accordingly.

b. Alternative: Change the start / end date and the Monthly people by team estimate moves with the updated dates. This requires the linkage between the duration & resource allocations though.
  • Sheldon Radford
    Jul 21, 2021

    In our planning process it often takes several tries at ordering projects and optimizing capacity. Being able to enter a detailed monthly resource plan, and then have that plan move in time as the project moves around would make "what if" scenarios a breeze. "What if we moved project B in place of Project A?" (see resulting capacity shift). Or "What if we pushed Project B further out in time".