Who would benefit? Product teams who require approval steps in specific scenarios. What impact would it make? Save time and improve efficiency How should it work? Support the closing of approval to-dos via automations. This would allow teams who h...
Madeleine Black
12 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Add the ability to color code Epics in the User Stories/Features Board
When viewing the User Story/Feature board, it would be great to be able to color code the Epic nested above the User Story. This would help to be able to visually differentiate all User Stories that are associated an Epic. The user should be able ...
Mikala T
about 4 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Make worksheet fields work the same as calculated columns
I can use this equation: if (field("fieldname") >= today(), true, false) -- where the field name is a custom date field in an Epic layout, as a calculated column but it won't work as a custom worksheet field equation because have to give the fi...
Robert B
almost 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
When exporting my features roadmap, remove the empty space for goals and initiatives when there are none linked
What is the challenge? The export currently shows empty spaces for goals and initiatives when there are none linked, which creates clutter. What is the impact? Having empty spaces in the export leads to unnecessary whitespace, making the document ...
Chrissi McNamara
8 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I have a presentation with a features roadmap. I have a lot of features I don't want to highlight. But I can't bulk hide them all! What is the impact? Make it easier to create an impactful presentation that only highlights t...
Chrissi McNamara
8 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
When we go through our PI planning, the feature board is a very powerful tool to move items across and keep a constant watch on the capacity. Every release of ours has sprints and phases but since we do not have the phases or sprints available, we...
Arun Kalyanaraman
over 2 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Currently, when using a public portal, public portal users will not receive comment notifications when other public portal users comment on ideas they have created. Notifications will only happen when an administrator comments on an idea, or if a ...
Finn Meyer
about 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Ability to Pull Estimates onto the Prioritization Report
Who would benefit? Any client, but especially those practicing SAFe What impact would it make? Make it very clear which features can be pulled into a PI and which won't, based on capacity, so negotiations can commence! How should it work? On the C...
over 1 year ago
in Features
Already exists